TV - Movies
What Really
Happened To
Pompa On Iron
The reality series "Iron Resurrection" follows the team at Martin Bros Customs in Austin, Texas as they turn rundown old vehicles into fully-functioning mechanical masterpieces. The auto-repair show is led by Joe Martin, his wife Amanda, and their friend Jayson, but other cas tmates have come and gone over the seasons, including Cato, Shorty, and Pompa.
Before Season 4 premiered, Cato and Shorty left "Iron Resurrection" to spend more time with family and focus on other business ventures; many news sources believe Pompa left for similar reasons. However, other rumors suggest that Pompa actually left the show because he was tired of being the butt of his colleagues’ jokes.
Pompa was known to scare easily, causing his castmates to tease him, though he always seemed to take the ribbing in stride on-screen. There are no official reports of bad blood between Pompa and his former colleagues, nor do we know if he'll ever return to TV, so the specifics of his departure and HIS future are unknown.