Created by two founding members of Monty Python, this series takes on a new genre in each episode, mocking different facets of "proper" English culture. The show is not nearly surreal as Monty Python, but it does possess a very loose, satirical tone that can be found in many sketches of "Flying Circus."
Based on the Hugo Award-winning novel, this series imagines an alternative version of England during the height of the Napoleonic Wars, where magic exists but has fallen out of practice. The result is a modern drama that mixes fantasy with history, melding the two together seamlessly and imaginatively.
This is a darkly comic animated series about a group of anthropomorphic animals that lab scientists have physically and mentally altered to take on human qualities. A grim commentary on animal experimentation and the struggle to blend in with other "normal" people, this is as high concept as a British show gets but is never boring.