Man panning for gold nuggets in the shape of a percent sign in his pan.
TV - Movies
This Is How Much
Gold Rush: White
Water's Fred
Hurt Is Worth
"Gold Rush: White Water" follows "Gold Rush" veteran "Dakota" Fred Hurt, his son Dustin Hurt, and their team of fearless miners. The crew faces unforgiving waters, and they risk being swept away by the rivers they work in, but is Fred Hurt’s dangerous profession bringing in the big bucks?
Dustin Hurt told Looper in an exclusive interview that being a gold miner requires a solid work ethic, brought on by a healthy sense of greed. "There is never going to be a moment where a gold miner is satisfied with the amount of gold that they have," the younger Hurt said.
Perhaps this is what keeps "Dakota" Fred Hurt returning to the rivers time and time again, despite reportedly having more than enough to retire in comfort. In fact, according to wealth estimation site Celebrity Net Worth, Hurt's net worth is as high as $6 million.