ANAHEIM, CAL0IFORNIA - SEPTEMBER 10: Anthony Mackie poses at the IMDb Official Portrait Studio during D23 2022 at Anaheim Convention Center on September 10, 2022 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Corey Nickols/Getty Images for IMDb)
TV - Movies
The Time Will
Smith Punched
Anthony Mackie
In The Face
Fate brought popular actors Will Smith and Anthony Mackie together one year, just in time for Smith’s birthday party. Mackie was asked to present Smith’s cake during the celebration, and an awkward turn of events gave Mackie the birthday surprise instead.
The MCU star recalls going in for a hug at the same time Smith attempted to give him a high five, which is where it all went wrong. Mackie said Smith "tried to grab [his] arm and he punched [Mackie] in the jaw so hard” during the miscommunication.
After the shock, Mackie teasingly asked Smith if they were fighting, which Smith assured him wasn’t the case. Mackie is proud to say he took a punch from the Muhammed Ali actor and continues to joke about the experience.