TV - Movies
The Nearly
100-Year-Old Jeans
That got
Over $1K On
American Pickers
In an episode of "American Pickers" in which Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz are exploring an Eastern Oregon ranch, they enter an old tool shed that has six pairs of old Levi's jeans in it that once belonged to ranch hands. Intrigued, Mike calls denim expert, Matt Eddmenson, to get some information on the find.
Matt confirms they're something special, with years ranging from the 1930s to the 1960s. He shows particular interest in the 1930s pair because in mint condition the pair could go for up to $2500. However, Matt goes over a few details that lower the pair's value, including aspects like a missing buckle and pocket on the back and the size of the jeans.
Ultimately, the jeans Mike and Frank found in Eastern Oregon were not in mint condition, they were still well-built pieces of denim that can still be worn today. After some friendly bartering, Frank and the ranch owners agree on $500 for the pair of 1930s Levi's and $175 per pair for the other five pairs, bringing the total to $1375 for all six pairs of the vintage Levi's.