Marvel fans were introduced to a new superhero this week in the debut episode of “Moon Knight.” The new MCU series stars Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant, a meek museum gift shop worker who has the ability to time jump and become another person named Marc Spector.
In the first instance of Steven experiencing a time jump, the shy Brit, who had just settled into bed in London, woke up on a picturesque hillside in the Alps. Adding more to the event’s confusion was the voice he heard booming, “Surrender the body to Marc.”
Marc takes over Steven’s body every time there is a cut in the episode. The change from Steven to Marc reveals how the latter’s personality is manifested in the Moon Knight suit, as seen in the final moments.
In the comics, Marc Spector is a mercenary who becomes the human avatar of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of the moon, after a mission goes sideways in Egypt. Marc suffers, however, from a dissociative personality disorder, which results in other personalities emerging as time goes by.
So far, only two of the three personalities who inhabit Marc's body (Marc included) from the comics have made an appearance. However, Steven is the more dominant one on "Moon Knight" so far, so we’ll have to see how they get along in future episodes