The upcoming "Jurassic World Dominion," directed by Colin Trevorrow, picks up four years after the events of "Fallen Kingdom" as humanity struggles to exist alongside the terrifying prehistoric predators. Now that we are just a couple of months away from the next "Jurassic World" here is some information about the film's runtime — and it's longer than a Diplodocus.
As reported by Collider, the upcoming "Jurassic World Dominion" clocks in at 2 hours and 26 minutes. If that seems on the longer side for a "Jurassic Park" film, that's because it is, far surpassing the 2 hours 9 minutes length of 1997's "The Lost World: Jurassic Park,” which was the previous record holder.
Colin Trevorrow discussed the factors that went into setting the film's runtime with Collider and said "It's a movie that involves doing justice to two sets of characters and not shortchanging anybody.” Trevorrow then noted that the two stories featuring the original trilogy's characters and the sequel trilogy's heroes will commingle.