TV - Movies
Is Impractical
Jokers Scripted?
Here's The Truth
With over 250 hilarious episodes of “Impractical Jokers” so far, the show continues to create more and more over-the-top pranks. With such a wild array of shocking pranks, it's easy to question if the show is truly pulling off these outrageous feats of uneasiness, or are we the ones being fooled by the show's phony attempts at further entertaining us?
In a 2018 interview, the group's de-facto leader, Joe Gatto, set the record straight, "It's definitely authentic […]The show works thanks to that genuine hesitation and fear, dealing with a stranger who doesn't know they're on a hidden camera show." As the show gained popularity, Gatto and company had a harder time trying to keep the reactions believable.
With the show's fanbase growing, it became more difficult for the team to find people unaware of the series. Thankfully, shooting in New York City offers them plenty of vulnerable prey. "If anyone recognizes us, we just shuffle them along and pick somebody else," Gatto said.