In “Blue Bloods,” Jamie Regan is an NYC cop who’s assigned to work alongside Eddie Janko, and their relationship develops into a romance, culminating in their marriage. However, in Episode 14 of the current season, an obstacle was introduced into their work dynamic, leading some viewers to wonder if Vanessa Ray may be leaving the show.
In the episode, Eddie goes undercover for the Special Victims Unit and, after the assignment, decides to work as a detective with them. While this career adjustment could place Eddie on a path divergent from Jamie's, Ray will most likely remain a member of the "Blue Bloods" cast for the foreseeable future.
Ray has no future projects to her name other than upcoming episodes of "Blue Bloods,” and she appeared alongside her costar Donnie Wahlberg in a video released by his boy band New Kids on the Block. This suggests she maintains a friendly working relationship with her costars, and that Eddie won't be leaving anytime soon.