"Ms. Marvel" follows teenager Kamala Khan, a New Jersey girl with a healthy dose of superhero obsession, whose life changes when she develops her own superpowers and takes on a name honoring her favorite superhero, Captain Marvel. Khan will be the first Muslim superhero to ever get their own show, but she will do so with a rating never before seen in the MCU.
Per the landing page for the series itself on Disney+, "Ms. Marvel" will carry a rating of TV-PG, meaning it is appropriate for all audiences. This is a departure from their standard approach of making films and series in the PG-13 or even the TV-14 categories.
While some other MCU shows have been going in a more mature direction, audiences can rest assured that Disney+ is still committed to the "all audiences" approach of the past. Thankfully, Kamala Khan is sure to be a hero that young people can look up to for years to come.