"The Cuphead Show!" is Netflix’s latest animated series, based on the popular Indie videogame. The first season was released in February 2022, featuring a voice cast that included Wayne Brady, among other talented actors.
Fans of the show have received the announcement that Netflix has renewed the series for a second season arriving in the summer of 2022. However, rather than this news leading to excitement, it has led to an uproar instead.
On Twitter, a fan pointed out that the announced renewal is not actually the second season, but the second half of the first season. The user added that this was part of a contractual loophole that allowed Netflix to pay the show's creative team less.
Netflix wasn't the only streaming service that ordered episodes in one batch and then doled them out as multiple seasons. Streaming services like HBO Max have used these same contractual loopholes for animated shows like "Infinity Train”.