In an unprecedented Oscars moment, Will Smith rushed the stage and slapped comedian Chris Rock across the face, in response to a joke aimed at Jada Pinkett Smith. Much has been said about the slap, and an uncensored clip has been viewed more than 70 million times on YouTube, but it isn't the first time the palm of Smith's hand very publicly met the cheek of a third party.
At the 2012 Moscow premiere of "Men in Black III," Smith encountered infamous prankster Vitalii Sediuk on the red carpet, who appeared to approach Smith for a hug, but then attempted to kiss the actor. Smith pushed Sediuk away, asked "What the hell is your problem, buddy?," and lightly slapped him, prompting cheers from the crowd.
Within a day of the incident involving Rock, Smith issued a lengthy public apology, and it appears that he is taking responsibility for his physical response at the 94th Academy Awards. Smith seems unlikely to offer a similar response for the 2012 incident, and with Sediuk’s reputation for similar pranks with other celebrities, he shouldn't hold his breath for an apology.