Wonder Woman Director Says There Are 'False Assumptions' About The Sequel

It can't be easy when you're endlessly asked to talk about a movie you're not supposed to talk about, and Patty Jenkins proves why.

The director of Wonder Woman recently took to Twitter to slow the rumor mill after one of her quotes about the upcoming sequel took on new life online. Referring to a headline on Collider that reads "Wonder Woman 2: New Love Story Teased by Patty Jenkins" (which has since been changed), the director said, "Quite a few people, including this headline, seem to be completely misunderstanding or making some pretty false assumptions based on one of many vague quotes I made about something I can't say anything about."

To be fair, Jenkins made statements on a Variety podcast about Wonder Woman 2 having a "great love story," so the headline was technically accurate. But the quote fueled lots of speculation in a few different directions. One theory is that Chris Pine will return as Steve Trevor and another is that Diana (Gal Gadot) will have a brand new love interest that could possibly be a woman. 

Here's Jenkins' original statement: "It's really still going to other values of hers, and a similar formula insofar as making a great, enjoyable fun movie but that ultimately in its third act turns some very big issues, and a very big experience that will aim to have slightly more weight and profundity than it has to have. Because that's a formula that I really like, and I like the idea of taking somebody on a very solid, great journey but that arrives at a bigger question being answered. So it's like that but because she is Wonder Woman and she's here now and she's fully developed, it's got great fun from the start and great big superhero presence from the start, and is funny and a great love story again and a couple new unbelievable characters who I'm so excited about, who are very different than were in the last movie."

So what can we take from all this? It's difficult to say. The concept of a "love story" can be pretty abstract and interpreted in many different ways. Maybe Wonder Woman 2 will be about Diana's endearing love for Trevor or her love for mankind in general. Or maybe it's just too early to guess. 

We've got about two years to think about it. Wonder Woman 2 is expected to arrive Nov. 1, 2019.