Robot Chicken Holiday Special Trailer Wishes You A Trippy Christmas

Santa Claus is coming down the chimney and coming up on some powerful hallucinogenics in the first trailer for the Robot Chicken Holiday Special.

The brief trailer is the sort of thing that you'd expect from the long-running animated series, at this point—take something sacred, thoroughly profane it, put a face on a Christmas tree and have it say "buckle up, fat boy."

This year's festivities mark the eighth holiday special for the pop culture parody show; the first six installments were collected previously on a Christmas special DVD in 2014. This one's already disappointing for appearing not to have a delightfully profane subtitle like previous years, with specials that were named "Robot Chicken's DP Christmas Special", "Born Again Virgin Christmas Special", or the lovely "Lots of Holidays but Don't Worry Christmas is Still in There Too so Pull the Stick Out of Your Ass Fox News Special"—but it's been kind of a rough year, so we'll take what we can get.

The Robot Chicken Holiday Special premieres on December 10th at 11:30 pm ET.