The Punisher Didn't Originally Include Karen Page

The Punisher can use all the friends he can get, but Frank Castle nearly didn't have one of his most trusted allies in the upcoming Netflix series.

According to Mashable, the original plan didn't include Karen Page, the character Deborah Ann Woll introduced on Daredevil. But that changed once showrunner Steve Lightfoot gave it some thought. "I asked to have her, because she and Frank [Castle] are so great," he said. "Frank is a closed-off military guy, and this is a woman he treats like an equal more than anyone else."

Page became an important part of the Punisher's storyline during the second season of Daredevil. She was a secretary for Nelson and Murdock when she came into contact with Castle, who she helped defend in court. When the law firm fell apart, Page went to work for the New York Bulletin and intended to uncover Castle's true story. But during her investigation, she was kidnapped by Ray Schoonover (Clancy Brown) and later rescued by Castle. She's arguably the only person Castle trusts.

It's not clear how much Page will appear on The Punisher, but Netflix released a poster featuring only the character. Check it out below.

The first season of The Punisher will hit Netflix on Nov. 17.