Power Rangers Director To Helm Sci-Fi Thriller Unexplained Phenomenon

Power Rangers director Dean Israelite has a wheelhouse and his new project fits right into it.

Deadline reports that he's signed on to direct the sci-fi thriller Unexplained Phenomenon for Amblin Partners.

Written by Andrew Deutschman and Jason Pagan (Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension), the movie centers on a family that discovers a mysterious object that has a strange power, which totally changes their lives. They seek out the help of an expert and her teenage daughter who both have a connection to the object and might hold the key to understanding its power. It's reportedly inspired by true events and the title refers to the FBI classification for incidents that are left unexplained because they defy logic.

The plan is reportedly to launch a franchise based on true stories with supernatural phenomena in line with classic Amblin movies like Poltergeist and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

The premise of Unexplained Phenomenon shares a common theme with Israelite's past work. In 2015's Project Almanac (which was also written by Deutschman and Pagan), a group of teenage friends discover the blueprints for a time machine that changes their lives, and in Power Rangers, a group of teenagers discover Power Coins that give them superhuman abilities.