The Andy Scene On Parks And Recreation That Really Crossed The Line For NBC

When it comes to the adventures of Pawnee, Indiana's beloved Parks and Recreation department on the show of the same name, there's a collection of great alternate gags and gaffes that didn't quite make the cut for the show's seven-season run. If you ever find yourself heading down a Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman) rabbit hole, you'll find tons of bloopers across YouTube that show the cast breaking character. One of the leading causes for these flubs caught on film was thanks to the now-dinosaur-taming poser Chris Pratt, who played loveable doofus and Mouse Rat frontman Andy Dwyer. This led to the director yelling "cut" when the cast couldn't hack it anymore.

Among the many occasions that Pratt caused brief bouts of unplanned comedy, one standout instance saw him bare far more than required to get a laugh. What's even more noteworthy is that it was a choice that took only the slightest push from one of the production crew for the actor to follow through with it.

Chris Pratt went fully nude for a scene that really didn't need him to be

In Season 2, Episode 6 of NBC's hit mockumentary that didn't star Michael Scott, "Parks and Recreation" saw Andy make a last-ditch effort to win back his ex-girlfriend, whose name can now only be read in one way, Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones). Said attempt ended in chaos, though, when after presenting himself naked at her front door, he is instead greeted by her good friend, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler). Now, when it comes to a scene like this, actors are typically given skin-colored garments to protect their modesty. However, Pratt, being the rebel he is, decided to go full method and be "authentic" in his appearance.

This resulted in Poehler's understandable shock being caught on camera, which came after several takes where Pratt didn't get the reaction he was expecting from her (via People). Nevertheless, it was a moment that the actor regaled in a few years back, highlighting the fallout from his act of self-exposure and the reaction it got from network executives well after the cameras stopped rolling.

Pratt took his telling off from NBC very seriously -- by framing it

During an appearance on "The Graham Norton Show" (via YouTube), Chris Pratt recalled the incident that had him fully exposed and said it all came from a conversation with a crew member off-camera that led to his own member being on camera. "I ran it by the boom mic operator, and I was like, 'dude should I get naked?' And he was like ...[nodding]," the actor said. After explaining that the move was an example of "improv," it was here that Pratt proudly added, "by the way, that is the take that they use."

While it may have got laughs on set, the immovable "Guardian of the Galaxy" revealed that the studio heads didn't see the funny side and were quick to provide some input on Pratt's creative choice. "They sent me a letter, I framed it," he recalled. "I've got it in my office, I love it. It said, 'First of all, this is not a joke. You're being reprimanded. This is your last warning and you can't go around telling people like this is some kind of joke."