Honest Trailers Creator Andy Signore Accused Of Sexual Abuse

Andy Signore, the creator of the popular YouTube series Honest Trailers, faces accusations of sexual abuse against two women.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, one of the accusers, Emma Bowers, was an intern for Signore, who works for Screen Junkies, the channel behind Honest Trailers. She said on Twitter that she decided to speak up after the New York Times published allegations that Miramax co-founder Harvey Weinstein sexually abused several actresses and employees. 

Bower said that when she worked as Signore's intern, he made inappropriate comments about masturbating to photos of her, then allegedly asked her to allow him to do it in person. She said he tried to say it was a joke. 

Another woman, April Dawn, was a fan of Signore and met him at Chicago Comic Con in 2015. Screen Junkies later flew her to Los Angeles to appear on the Movie Fights YouTube series.

Dawn tweeted that Signore tried to sexually assault her on several occasions. She claims that she and two other women took the matter to the company's human resources department, but that the complaint wasn't taken seriously. She also said that Signore threatened to fire her boyfriend, a video blogger for Screen Junkies, if she told anyone about the incident.

Defy Media, which owns the Screen Junkies channel, issued a statement saying it's investigating the accusations. "We at Defy Media have no tolerance for harassment or retaliation of any kind," the company said. "We have been conducting a thorough investigation into allegations made against Andy Signore and are preparing to respond to those allegations and take appropriate action."

Defy also said that Signore is currently suspended while the investigation continues.

Honest Trailers launched in 2012 and has received more than 157 million views for its videos that poke fun at movies ranging from Blade Runner to Wonder Woman. The series was nominated for Emmy Awards in 2016 and 2017.