The American Horror Story Season Fans Agree Was The Saddest

The horror genre becoming more of an addition to mainstream television has opened the doors of opportunity to some marvelous creative endeavors. In 2011, those doors led right to the beginning of the hit anthology series "American Horror Story." Each season brings forth a new storyline with dark and frightening twists and turns and characters played by the highly talented ensembles, which have included Hollywood legends like Kathy Bates, Jessica Lange, and Angela Bassett, among many others.

While each season is joyfully scary in its own way, they certainly don't lack a full range of emotions, either. The storylines wouldn't be complete without the malice and drama that often creates immense tragedy for the characters, as well as some very heartwrenching moments for the fans. With each season carrying the weight of gloom, despair, and deaths of some of our favorite characters, it's hard to decide which one is the most gut-wrenching. But over on Reddit, some fans have found a consensus as to what they believe is the saddest season of all.

Fans think Freak Show is the saddest season of American Horror Story

A recent thread on Reddit has fans discussing what they believe is the saddest season of "American Horror Story." The answer for many is Season 4, "Freak Show." Redditor u/welldonenate kicked off the conversation by stating simply, "I'm literally sobbing because of Freak Show." Another user sympathized with them, responding, "Definitely the saddest season imo."

"Freak Show" follows the performers at the titular traveling carnival, each one with a tragic backstory that informs their present-day lives. While it's still "American Horror Story," one user pointed out, "Freak show isn't horror to me as much as it's just a big bowl of depression. You won't feel scared or terrified in freak show, you will just feel majorly depressed and very heartbroken at the scenes." They went on to describe several of the season's most traumatizing scenes, before revealing that it is one season they've never rewatched due to the distressing content, despite believing it is one of the better seasons overall. 

Clearly, the writers knew what they were doing when they came up with this one, and between the plot and the remarkable talent performing each scene with passion and vigor, "Freak Show" holds its head high as the saddest season of "American Horror Story."