Searchlight Drops A Shocking Decision On Aziz Ansari And Bill Murray's Being Mortal

Bill Murray can demonstrably deliver on both comedy and drama fronts, and he's also a notoriously difficult guy to pin down for a project. As such, it would be easy to imagine that when a movie finally manages to secure his signature, it would go through hell and high water to wrap up and make its way to theaters. What's more, Murray has kept fairly busy and appeared in a number of cool projects in recent years, so the interest for his talents clearly remain high.  

Recently, Murray has been working on "Being Mortal," the upcoming movie version of Dr. Atul Gawande's book ""Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End," in which he stars with Aziz Ansari of "Parks and Recreation" and "Master of None" fame, who also directs the film. Seth Rogen also co-stars. 

However, it appears that the movie has now received a truly surprising setback. Let's take a look at the shocking decision Searchlight Pictures just dropped on "Being Mortal."

A mystery complaint has halted the production of Being Mortal

By order of Searchlight Pictures, the production of "Being Mortal" has been suspended, according to Deadline. The news arrived after a previous three-day production stop, in the form of an official announcement letter for the movie's cast and crew. Shockingly, it stated that the decision to pump the brakes came after an investigation into an as-yet mysterious complaint was deemed to warrant such a drastic course of action.

"Late last week, we were made aware of a complaint, and we immediately looked into it," the letter read. "After reviewing the circumstances, it has been decided that production cannot continue at this time."

The exact nature of the complaint hasn't been announced yet, but per Deadline's information, it wasn't filed against Ansari, who was specifically stated to be working with Searchlight to find a way to move forward with the production. Neither is the situation connected to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from that, details are still in the dark, but count on Looper to keep you informed about the potential developments in the situation.