The Horror Movie You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone has thought to themselves, or had conversations with friends, about surviving horror movies. Whether they be slashers, zombie apocalypses, alien invasions, or otherwise, we've all thought of our plans and how exactly we would be able to escape threats. But here, we'd like to have a slightly different conversation; not about how to survive or thrive in any given horror scenario, but how you'd fare based on your zodiac sign.

Below, you'll find a breakdown of how each sign's personality, strengths, and weaknesses make them the best fit for a specific horror movie (or franchise). Just as there are a wide variety of personalities in the zodiac, the movies below reflect a significant range of worlds and scenarios, from horror classics to modern franchises, and even some indie gems. So, let's dive into the worlds of horror and find out the flick you belong in, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries: Alien franchise

Aries are "the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going" who are able to "rally the troops against seemingly insurmountable odds [because] they have that kind of personal magnetism." And there's perhaps no greater horror heroine (or hero) that time and again leads (or at least does her best to lead) her crew of miners, battalion of colonial marines, or group of prison inmates against a seemingly insurmountable threat than Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) of the "Alien" franchise.

Unlike most horror franchises which focus solely on the killer, the "Alien" franchise centers on Ripley and her ability to thrive "in crisis or challenges." We're not necessarily saying that Aries belong in the world of "Alien" because Ripley is almost certainly an Aries, but rather that the universe of the "Alien" movies needs more fearless leaders. More people who are direct, as Ripley is when she states that she cannot allow potentially contaminated crew mates back on the ship in "Alien" or when she continues to emphasize the danger on LV-426 in "Aliens" to skeptical colonists. More people who are able to use their "energy and dynamism" to motivate teams to take action against the considerable threat of the Xenomorphs.

This also means that these Aries would need to work on their team work, which is sometimes difficult given that they all have such great leadership talents — but as we see in nearly every movie in the franchise, working together is the key to surviving.

Taurus: The Love Witch

Taurus loves "physical pleasures and material goods," and they "revel in delicious excess" and there is perhaps no horror movie more deliciously excessive and wonderfully sumptuous than Anna Biller's 2016 indie "The Love Witch." The movie follows Elaine (Samantha Robinson), a beautiful witch who moves to a new town to find the man of her dreams, and her misadventures with different suitors who fail to meet her needs. It's an absolutely gorgeous movie to look at, with bright colors in the set decoration and costumes (all of which look incredibly comfortable) soft lighting to allow those colors to shine, and a cast of very pretty people.

But it's not just that the film creates an environment full of "pleasing, soothing things" that Tauruses adore; there's also the fact that Elaine is a witch belonging to a pagan coven. Such is a community that Tauruses, who are "naturally connected to the beauty of the earth" and "love to enjoy and preserve nature and feel rebalanced and recharged by spending time walking on or digging in the earth" would feel immediately welcomed by and at home with.

However, Elaine does become somewhat obsessed with finding the right man, a danger for Tuaruses who can get "overly attached to ideas, people, or belongings [and] may even treat their love interests as trophies, placing them on impossible, idolized pedestals, which Elaine struggles with as the film goes on. But other Tauruses may be better suited to use their patience and peaceful natures in the world of the film to find success in love.

Gemini: Midsommar

Gemini are "intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information" and have a great ability "to blend into any environment easily, taking on the customs of local culture and language." While there are a number of horror movies about traveling to unknown and dangerous places, and possibly even more about dangerous cults with very specific, often deadly customs, "Midsommar" is the horror movie that Geminis belong in.

It's a film about grad students who all have "an insatiable zeal for discovering new treasures of information" and bring that intense curiosity to a fascinatingly unique community in Sweden. Some of the visitors have an easier time adapting to the new environment while others "lean too much on encyclopedic knowledge and [fail] to process, assimilate, and apply [their knowledge] in a tangible, embodied, and useful way[s]."

But Dani (Florence Pugh), the heroine of the film, shows an incredible talent for adapting to her new environment and becoming a part of the new community. She exhibits the Gemini's "natural affinity for adaptation, exploring ideas, languages, and information, as well as socializing and communicating to form new pathways of awareness" that would serve all Geminis well in the world of Midsommar.

Cancer: Misery

Cancer is typically "all about home"; they are "maternal, domestic, and love to nurture others." But while their love of the comforts of the homestead make them "usually quiet and peaceable, their claws come out when protecting the vulnerable [and] they are also vigilant about protecting themselves." They have a tendency to be emotional, and are comfortable wearing "their heart on their sleeve." 

There are a lot of horror movies about the terrors that can be found at home, so many in fact that there's a whole sub-genre devoted to home invasion. But unlike the vast majority of those films, where the love of home is turned against the protagonists and the audience, Cancers would be much more at home (pun intended) in the Stephen King classic "Misery."

In "Misery," Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) kidnaps her favorite author Paul Sheldon (James Caan), doing her best to make him feel comfortable and nurtured. But she also loses her temper with him as she learns of his unsatisfactory plans for the characters in her favorite series of novels. In "Misery," Annie exhibits the way in which Cancer's "strong matriarchal tendencies ... can be overdone, showing up in bossy, smothering, and even manipulative tendencies if the Cancer native is trying too hard to control their environment."

Leo: The Neon Demon

Leo "loves being center stage," their goal is always "making an impression" and they often do as they are "ambitious ... and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal." This need for attention, talent at getting it, and their great ambition makes Leos fit in perfectly in the girl-eat-girl world of modeling depicted in Nicolas Winding Refn's "The Neon Demon."

"Demon" follows a teen by the name of Jesse (Elle Fanning), who moves from Georgia to Los Angeles to make a career for herself as a model following the mysterious death of her parents. She is beautiful, but beyond her looks she has something special, an it factor that can only be explained by an inherent "personal magnetism" characteristic of Leos. Of course, this places a target on Jesse, as other models become jealous of her rapid ascension to stardom.

As such, the primary Leo strengths of "courage and confidence" aren't just necessary for Jesse, they're required for all the women in the world of "The Neon Demon," as the "hunger to be in the limelight can make [Leos] rather ruthless and self-serving," leading models to attempt to cut one another down. Leos would fit right into the realm of "The Neon Demon," whether they fall prey to their vanity or are able to maintain their optimism and self-assuredness and lead a successful career in the treacherous modeling world.

Virgo: Scream franchise

Virgo is an "industrious, methodical, and efficient" sign, one who seeks to use these traits to help others. They are also known for their great "attention to detail" and ability to "learn quickly." Given these attributes, Virgos would not just fit in, but be essential contributors in any movie in the "Scream" series.

The "Scream" movies all function as whodunit slashers where the lead trio of young adult Sydney Prescott (Neve Campbell), sheriff Dewey Riley (David Arquette), and investigative reporter Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) must work with different groups to find out who is killing people and why. Dewey's role as sheriff highlights the considerable "sense of duty borne by" Virgos, while Gale's investigative powers are certainly helped by her "diligent and observant" nature, and we see Sydney's great compassion and ability to dedicate herself "to [a] project that need[s] some care, healing and tending" when she becomes a crisis counselor in "Scream 3."

All of these aspects of the Virgo are present in the recurring lead characters of the franchise, but there is always room for more, as each new Scream movie (including 2022's 5th film in the franchise) introduces new characters who need to use the skills of Virgos to band together and discover who is killing and why.

Libra: Spring

The Libra sign is "first and foremost focused on others and how they relate to them"; they are "the sign of Partnership with a capital 'P' because ... for a Libra, everything is better if it's done as a pair." While they love all forms of partnership, "their favorite partnership is at home: marriage." It's in their romantic relationships that "Libras feel most complete." So naturally, Libras belong in a romantic horror movie like 2014's "Spring."

"Spring" centers on Evan Russell (Lou Taylor Pucci), who goes on a trip to Italy after his mother's death and meets Louise, a young woman who he quickly falls for. But Louise is more than she initially appears, and as the film goes on, Evan learns about her mysterious past and precarious future.

In the early parts of "Spring" we see Evan exhibit the Libran ability to easily engage people socially when he first meets Louise and when he gets a job at a local farm and strikes up a friendship with the old farmer who he is helping. Later, we see his ability to act as a "loving, healing, and balancing" partner to Louise as she struggles with how she will be able to move forward in life. But the relationship isn't one sided, as Louise lets her guard down and brings Evan into her life, introducing and inviting him to the specific way that she relates to her environment. So whether Libras feel more like an Evan or a Louise, they'd be very happy as half of the partnership in "Spring."

Scorpio: Re-Animator

Scorpios are "dead serious in their mission to learn about others," their "curiosity ... is immeasurable" which is why they are often "deeply committed to study and research." And there's no one more serious about their research than Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) in "Re-Animator." Based on a story by H. P. Lovecraft, "Re-Animator" follows medical student West and his roommate Dan Cain (Bruce Abbott) as West seeks to perfect a "reanimating reagent" that can bring the dead back to life.

Like many Scorpios, West exists "in a world that is black and white and has little use for gray" when it comes to the morality of his experiments, believing that the future of science is more important than any questionable experiments done in its name. West's dedication exemplifies that "you can count on the Scorpion to see whatever they have committed to through to the end," even if this dedication may in fact be an obsession, a danger for Scorpios who become overly fixated on a single thing. It's also fitting for a Scorpio that the subject West becomes obsessed with is death and its undoing as Scorpios are "naturally drawn to taboo and occult subjects."

But West isn't the only character in "Re-Animator" exhibiting the traits of a Scorpio; Dan and his fiancée Megan Halsey (horror legend Barbara Crampton) are also medical students invested in learning to help the world. Dan shows more patience than West, a trait of the more balanced Scorpio personality, which allows them to "better understand the emotional and psychological dynamics of their relationships."

Sagittarius: Prince of Darkness

Sagittarians are "the wanderers of the zodiac," "truth-seekers" who prize knowledge and are "keenly interested in philosophy and religion [as] they find that these disciplines aid their internal quest." Like Scorpios who are committed to study and research, Sags are often "connected to higher learning and wisdom," which is why they make great teachers. 

While there are a number of classic horror movies set at places of higher learning ("The House on Sorority Row" and "Black Christmas" are among most significant early slasher classics), they aren't as concerned with "what Sagittarius wants most is to know," which is "the meaning of life." So Sags would be most at home in something with more cosmic concerns.

1987's "Prince of Darkness," directed by horror icon John Carpenter, brings together a group of graduate students, professors, and a priest to study and attempt to understand what is ostensibly the embodiment of Satan in a liquid form, hidden in the basement of a Los Angeles church. As the film goes on things begin to go awry, but there is an ongoing mystery about what exactly the liquid is and how it functions, and what its existence means for humanity, questions that all Sags would be deeply drawn to in search of answers.

Capricorn: Saw franchise

Capricorns are "all about hard work," they are "determined [but] practical as well, taking things one step at a time and being as realistic and pragmatic as possible." This quality of being willing to put in hard work, but also recognizing and adapting to the most pragmatic as opposed to more ideal courses of action indicate that Capricorns would fare well (or as well as can be) in the "Saw" films.

The "Saw" franchise places its victims in horrific traps meant to test their will to live, often in brutally violent and painful ways, but if any sign is most well-equipped to escape these tests alive, it's the pragmatic, determined Capricorn. Though there is a danger in a number of some group-focused traps of a Capricorn "default[ing] to a radical self-reliance" in the hopes of saving themselves that then backfires as the traps in every "Saw" film are meant to teach a lesson, and often one that the (unwilling) participants are not going to easily learn.

It's also worth noting that Jigsaw, the mastermind behind many of these traps, might well be a Capricorn as well, as he is "extremely dedicated to [his] goals" so much so that he "becom[es] stubborn and relentless" in his mission to make others value their lives. But it's not only the position of the victims or killer in the "Saw" films that makes Capricorns at relative ease in this world, there's also the very important role of the police, as they must work diligently to stay on the trail of Jigsaw (and his imitators) so they can bring an end to the violence.

Aquarius: 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later

Aquarians are "humanitarian, philanthropic, and keenly interested in making the world a better place," and there's definitely a need for these types in the world of "28 Days Later" and "28 Weeks Later." In both films, the outbreak of a "rage virus" turns humans into zombie-like creatures who mindlessly attack one another, as the social structures that exist struggle to address both the dangers of the virus and of humans in such desperate situations.

Aquarians would be able to leverage their "affinity for abstract thought ... to examine [these] problems and innovate new solutions." Their ability to "operate in their communities in an observant and impartial way" would be key as difficult decisions would need to be made to best keep people safe, more than likely at the expense of keeping them happy. But while Aquarians may struggle with becoming "overly intellectual ... making them seem cold, distant, or unfeeling," the well-balanced Aquarius is "quick to engage others in this process" of making their society better. This collaborative spirit would be key in the face of the combined threats of social collapse and zombies.

Pisces: Carrie

"Feelings define the Pisces zodiac sign" which makes Pisceans perfect for a horror movie all about the horror of feelings: Brian De Palma's "Carrie." The horror of "Carrie" (the second Stephen King adaptation on the list) is first and foremost in the awful way that Carrie (Sissy Spacek) is treated by her fellow students and abusive mother, followed closely by the death and destruction that she reigns down upon them with her telekinetic power once she finally reaches a breaking point. Both of these are based in Carrie's emotional world, the former leading to the latter.

Throughout the movie, Carrie shows that she wants "to believe in the good of others, but ... must be discerning and discriminating" as she attempts to navigate exactly who is being genuinely kind to her and those who are just attempting to deceive. Pisceans also often "have a mystical, intuitive, and transcendental dynamic in the core of their personality" and "are often mystics, mediums, and psychics" among whom Carrie belongs.

But Carrie isn't the only character in "Carrie" who has Piscean traits. Sue (Amy Irving), Tommy (William Katt), and gym teacher Miss Collins (Betty Buckley) all show a genuine concern for Carrie. Sue in particular exhibits the Pisces ability to take on the "burdens (and joys) ... of others" when she encourages Tommy to ask Carrie to prom and do his best to help her have an idyllic night. If the world of "Carrie" had a few more Pisceans, in touch with their feelings and considerate of others, the film might have denied us one of the most horrific final acts in film history. So, for viewers, this is a good thing. For the students at Bates High School, not so much.