Jay Pharoah Says Steven Soderbergh's Unsane Is A Little Like Get Out

Steven Soderbergh's new film Logan Lucky is barely out in theaters, but the prolific director has already wrapped production on his next feature, a "reality-type horror" film that star Jay Pharoah compared in tone to Jordan Peele's Get Out during an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

The film, Unsane, will be Soderbergh's 30th movie as director. Shot entirely on an iPhone, the movie stars Pharaoh, Claire Foy, and Juno Temple, and information on the plot of the secretive production has yet to be released. Talking to EW, Pharoah did share details about the filming process that make it clear that whatever shape the film takes, it will certainly be unusual.

Calling Soderbergh "one of the quickest and sharpest directors," Pharoah said that the shooting process for Unsane was extremely brief, taking no more than a week or two. "That week—I don't know long it was, week and a half? However long it was, it was so quick, but it was just a dope experience. The movie kind of reminds me of some reality-type horror—almost Get Out-ish, but different, which feels good."

Pharoah, who says he's seen about "80 percent" of the finished movie, shared nothing but excitement about the upcoming feature. He did not discuss the plot or his character in any way, only specifying that he played a dramatic role, and that the quality of the filmmaking will be high enough that he expects viewers won't be able to tell it was shot on a cell phone. 

"I'm excited to see the whole thing, because it looks so dope," he said.

Soderbergh has honed his craft in many genres as a director, from the sci-fi of Solaris to the pulp thrills of Side Effects, but has never tried his hand at horror, if that is what Unsane turns out to be. He has, however, experimented extensively throughout his filmography, from the largely plotless The Girlfriend Experience in 2009 to his 2005 film Bubble, which featured non-professional actors. 

There is currently no release date for Unsane, but it seems reasonable to expect it sooner rather than later, considering Soderbergh's productivity. Until then, check out our feature on the films that will blow you away in 2018.