Which Star Trek Villain Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Since its very first villain — the near-omnipotent Gary Mitchell — in its very first aired episode, the "Star Trek" franchise has boasted some of the most compelling baddies in science fiction history, from godlike super-beings and misguided do-gooders to revenge-fueled madmen and malevolent galactic conquerors. Whether they're enemies of the Federation or just have a personal vendetta against one Starfleet captain or another, they often make for more interesting characters than the series' best heroes.

Sporting a variety of unique and fascinating personalities, the likes of Gul Dukat or Khan align with various signs of the zodiac, their best and worst traits putting them at different spots on the astrological charts. One's villain's fierce nature makes them an Aries, for example, while another's cunning intellect pegs them as a Gemini. But which of "Trek's" best villains best align with your sign? Keep reading to find out if you're an immortal entity or a fearless Klingon warrior.

Aries: Khan Noonien Singh

Introduced in the classic "Star Trek" episode "Space Seed," the genetically enhanced super-soldier Khan Noonien Singh was once a leader in the Earth's Eugenics Wars before being placed in cryogenic hibernation aboard the SS Botany Bay. He's reawakened centuries later by the crew of the USS Enterprise and defeated by Captain James Kirk after attempting to take control of the ship. Khan and his crew are then sentenced to imprisonment on Ceti Alpha V, abandoned on the planet even when it's unexpectedly ravaged by a cosmic cataclysm. While fighting for survival, Khan's hatred for Kirk grows, and he eventually escapes to exact his revenge.

An overconfident, fiery man of action, Khan embodies the spirit of the Aries, whose one weakness might be their belief in their own success. Their self-confidence can lead to their downfall, as it did for Khan in "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan." Quick to anger, but just as quick to cool down, the Aries (and Khan) is emotional but measured, with their passion making them both strong leaders and fierce competitors.

Everything is a game to the Aries, a battle to win and a contest to triumph. Khan's desire to beat Kirk, not just kill him, is what sets him apart from so many other great "Star Trek" villains. Khan didn't want to annihilate the Federation or even to conquer it. Like the Aries that he is, he just wanted to win.

Taurus: Degra

The villain Degra represents his own Primate species on the Xindi Council and becomes the primary adversary for Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the Enterprise on Season 3 of "Star Trek: Enterprise." After being told by a race of beings from the future called the Sphere Builders that the human race will one day annihilate them, Degra and the rest of the Xindi set out to strike first. But the war they bring to Earth isn't what they expected, and eventually Archer manages to show Degra that he and his people are being manipulated.

Proud and stubborn, Degra is very much a Taurus, a man who looks to preserve his way of life and keep the Xindi race thriving. He abhors the terrible change he believes humans will bring to the galaxy as much as he fears the destruction of his culture. But Degra is also humble, wise, and willing to listen, and he acts as a stabilizing presence on the chaotic Xindi Council. He might be the most respected of the Xindi leaders for his even-handedness and patience, but these are also the traits that get him into trouble with his fellow Xindi, some of whom are far more emotional and eager to destroy humanity. His honor, grace, and humility are all traits commonly associated with the sign of the bull.

Gemini: Gul Dukat

Dukat was the Prefect of Bajor during the Cardassian occupation of the planet, and was ruler of the mining station Terok Nor, which would eventually become Deep Space Nine. But when the Cardassians withdraw following a peace treaty, Dukat becomes little more than an ordinary Gul, relegated to commander of the military's Second Order. Though he insists he wants peace to protect the Bajorans that he claims to see as his children, his actions say otherwise. A ruthless and feared leader, he eventually becomes head of the entire Cardassian Union after allying himself with the Dominion.

A man who loves the sound of his own voice, who relishes a good argument, and whose contradictions are unmatched, Gul Dukat is a classic Gemini: intelligent, shrewd, with an expressive persona, using his devilish charm and charisma to enchant those around him while plotting to stab them in the back at the same time. Unable to sit still, Dukat always has an ambitious ploy at the ready, whether it's siding with the civilian government to hold on to power during the Klingon War or seeking an alliance with the mystical Pah Wraiths to acquire ultimate power. Dukat is constantly running from his fear of weakness, but like any Gemini, he can't run forever, and one scheme too many leads him to his end at the hands of Benjamin Sisko.

Cancer: Commander Sela

Commander Sela is the daughter of Enterprise security chief Tasha Yar, who came to the primary "Star Trek" universe from an alternate timeline in the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." Conceived following Yar's capture by a Romulan general, Sela's loyalty to her father ran so deep that she gave her mother up when Yar tried to escape, and Sela herself went on to become a powerful figure in the Romulan military. During the Klingon Civil War, Sela helps the Duras Sisters in their fight to overthrow Chancellor Gowron, but is exposed by a Starfleet task force led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Later, on Romulus, she kidnaps Ambassador Spock in an attempt to invade and conquer the planet Vulcan, but fails again thanks to the intervention of the Enterprise.

A powerful woman of contradictory moods — sometimes seeming empathetic and understanding, other times ruthless and cruel — Sela has a lot in common with the Cancer sign. Often weighed down by sorrow and grief, Sela carries with her the scars of her youth, having been born to a mother who, in her eyes, betrayed her people. 

More volatile and emotional than most Romulans thanks to her human half, Sela is easily set off by the words of others — a quality associated with Cancers. She's also a woman of tradition and a meticulous planner, a person who takes comfort in knowing the what the future holds, and who is thrown into chaos when things go astray.

Leo: Nero

In 2387, the planet Romulus was destroyed when its sun went supernova, and the repercussions were felt throughout space and time. Ambassador Spock had vowed to save Romulus, and his failure leads a survivor named Nero — who had lost his pregnant wife in the catastrophe — to swear revenge. But when Nero's attempt to kill Spock leads to him traveling through a black hole created by experimental red matter, he finds himself in the past, battling with the Enterprise while Spock and the other original crew members are still young in the 2009 "Star Trek" film (and inadvertently kicking off the "Kelvin timeline"). Consumed with an irrational hatred for Spock, Nero sets out to destroy the planet Vulcan, forcing Spock to watch his people be annihilated as Nero had. 

As a Leo, Nero is a captivating personality, confident and brash, whose villainy is ruthless but effortless. A rollercoaster of emotions, Nero wears his heart on his sleeve, almost Klingon-like in his bursts of anger and raw, seething pain. He seeks to make his own destiny, unwilling to let the universe unfold around him. When something goes wrong, he doesn't wait for others, but takes bold action, and — led by his hatred — sets out to do what he feels he must to make things right. Forceful and resolute, he demands respect, and his vengeful nature means you might not like what he'll do if he doesn't get it.

Virgo: Weyoun

A member of the clone species known as the Vorta, Weyoun serves the Founders with unwavering loyalty, devoted to the Changeling leaders and determined to carry out their will in the Alpha Quadrant in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." When the Dominion captures the titular station and drives Starfleet from the system at the beginning of the Dominion War, Weyoun becomes the Dominion's liaison on Deep Space Nine and one of the most feared villains of the series. Meticulous, stoic, and orderly, Weyoun is the consummate professional despite the Founders' messy alliance with the Cardassians. 

It's his fastidiousness and even-tempered nature that make Weyoun a Virgo, as those born under this sign are described as very particular people. Often perfectionists with a keen eye for detail, they are excellent when serving as assistants and high-level administrators. Weyoun is no exception, and his lack of ego is greatly admired by those around him. However, the genetically engineered Vorta lacks several non-essential physical or mental traits — keen emotional awareness, for example — which makes expressing himself difficult, another trait he has in common with many Virgo. But while he could often be described as cruel, Weyoun is also noble and loyal in his own way — albeit not to the best of causes.

Libra: Michael Eddington

Introduced in the Season 3 opener of "Deep Space Nine" as a Starfleet security officer, Michael Eddington is soon revealed to be an enemy agent of the renegade group of freedom fighters called the Maquis. Eddington and the Maquis fight for the Federation colonies in the Demilitarized Zone who are under threat of attack from rogue Cardassian factions, though they are labeled terrorists by the Federation for their trouble. Fancying himself a revolutionary, Eddington isn't afraid to go toe-to-toe with Starfleet, and having betrayed his uniform, he quickly becomes Benjamin Sisko's worst enemy.

Obsessed with doing what he believes is right, Eddington is the hero of his own story, fighting for a hopeless but righteous cause. This is very much like the Libra, who aspires to ultimate goodness but sometimes goes too far in their quest for morality. Sharing the defining Libra traits of compassion and empathy, Eddington wants nothing more than to see the defenseless people along the Cardassian border protected and safe, and he isn't willing to wait for Federation diplomacy to help. 

Unfortunately, Eddington's additional Libra traits eventually surface as well, ultimately leading to his downfall. In the end, the obsession with righteousness becomes its own delusion for Eddington, and instead of brokering peace with the Federation, his false hopes of a revolution send him straight into the path of the Dominion.

Scorpio: Gabriel Lorca

First appearing in Season 1 of "Star Trek: Discovery," Captain Gabriel Lorca is the battle-hardened commander who leads the Discovery's crew into war with the Klingons. But some characters feel the tough-as-nails Starfleet officer has become a different man since the start of the war, and it isn't long before audiences realize there's something else going on. Eventually, it's revealed that Lorca hails from the Mirror Universe, a dark parallel reality where the Terran Empire rules the galaxy. Finding himself in the "prime" universe, Lorca takes command of the Discovery and seeks to return to his native reality, where he can use the powerful starship — and rebellious scientist Michael Burnham — to overthrow the Emperor.

Loyal to no one but himself, Lorca embodies the Scorpio, a man comfortable with silence and the darker aspects of the soul. With a piercing gaze and cunning intellect, he fears little, because he's seen the worst the world has to offer — in his case, the brutality and cruelty of the Mirror Universe, which makes the prime universe seem like a child's playground. Scorpios can be difficult to understand and harder to get to know, and that's Lorca, keeping his distance and watching with a careful eye, always looking for an angle, an edge, and a way to defy the odds. He's fearless, unflinching, and without mercy, and like most Scorpios, he looks great in a leather jacket.

Sagittarius: General Chang

Chancellor Gorkon's most feared warrior, General Chang arrives aboard the USS Enterprise in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" as part of a Klingon delegation sent to talk peace with the Federation. But when the Chancellor is assassinated, Chang makes it his personal mission to see that Kirk is found guilty of the crime. However, it turns out to be Chang himself, along with Romulan and Starfleet accomplices, who arranged Gorkon's murder — thriving on a galaxy at war, Chang helped orchestrated the assassination plot to ensure that there would be no peace between the Klingons and the Federation. 

Far from the brutish, primitive warrior that many on the Enterprise expected, Chang is a highly educated, even scholarly soldier. Often seen spouting lines from Shakespeare — which he insists are far better in the "original" Klingon — Chang is a true Sagittarius, a warrior-poet with a book in one hand and a disruptor pistol in the other. Rigidly principled and devoted to tradition, Chang is the ultimate empiricist, dedicated to preserving his empire at all costs. Ruthless, determined, fierce, focused, and unstoppable in his hunger for dominance, he enjoys peering into the soul of his enemies, admiring them almost as much as he despises them.

Capricorn: Annorax

One of "Star Trek: Voyager's" most memorable villains, Krenim scientist Annorax had developed a devastating weapon capable of erasing people, ships, and even entire planets from history, forever altering the timeline. After his people lost a brutal war, he used his weapon-ship in a quest not just to restore the Krenim to power, but to resurrect his dead wife, as well. For centuries, Annorax erased anything in his path if it helped nudge history back towards his liking, but it all comes unravelled when he encounters an anomaly in his calculations — Captain Kathryn Janeway and the USS Voyager.

As a Capricorn, Annorax isn't looking for accolades or awards from his people for his work in restoring their empire. Instead, he's happy to do his work in relative anonymity. Beyond getting his wife back, Annorax simply wants the admiration of his crew and the respect of time, which he sees as a living, breathing being. Disciplined and detail oriented, his work requires precision and the ultimate level of patient dedication, which he has in spades. He's spent centuries in pursuit of his goals, and he would have spent centuries more, willing to do whatever it took complete his mission. Like many Capricorns, Annorax is a champion of justice, but only in his own eyes — his  twisted moral compass prevents him from feeling any remorse for erasing entire civilizations. After all, once they're gone, they never really existed.

Aquarius: Q

The godlike trickster known as Q first came into contact with humanity during Captain Jean-Luc Picard's first mission as captain of the Enterprise in the opening episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation." Advanced beyond belief, Q puts humanity on trial as "a dangerous, savage child-race," and would continue to torment the likes of Picard, Sisko, and Janeway throughout his lengthy antagonistic career. But after Picard helps Q when he's exiled from his own people, he becomes a spiritual guide of sorts, advising the Enterprise's captain in personal matters. A rebel, a joker, and a devious game player, Q is perhaps the most enigmatic and confusing villains in all of "Star Trek."

Q is a multi-faceted individual with many sides, on the one hand esoteric and wise, on the other bitter and reveling in contrarianism. Though he's found a handful of individuals fascinating — particularly Picard — Q is more obsessed with the notion of humanity as a whole, it's potential and its failings. An armchair philosopher and believer in grand concepts, Q has been an outcast among his own people, but like an Aquarius, he actually dislikes being alone. Finding normalcy a bore, both Q and the Aquarius are engaged in a never-ending search for something new, some interesting test or experiment to run. Always happy to run counter to everyone else, Q has his own set of logic and beliefs that defy conventional description.

Pisces: Kai Winn

A member of Bajor's religious order, Winn Adami initially holds the title of Vedek, but she aspires to become Kai, the spiritual leader of her people. Using her connections and influence, she connives her way up the ladder, ultimately winning an election unopposed while nearly ruining the career of Vedek Bareil in the process. But Winn's corruption goes deep, and in her quest for political power, she runs afoul of Major Kira Nerys, who derails Winn's dreams of becoming First Minister. Viciously cunning and manipulative, Winn uses others for her own gain and isn't afraid to destroy anyone in her path to get what she wants.

It's her belief in the Prophets and her spiritual core, however, that make her the Pisces of "Star Trek" villains. To Winn, everything is a sign from above, guidance from the gods of Bajor that tell her she is doing the right thing, even when deep down she knows it's only her own evil heart driving her. Pisces are always questioning themselves asking if they are good people, and so too does Winn. But unlike most Pisces, the Kai deludes herself into believing she's virtuous. Ultimately, she falls to the will of the Pah Wraiths, lured in by their promises of power, once the Prophets abandon her. Because the true weakness of the Pisces, and Winn, is that they can be the cause of their own suffering, a victim of their own desires.