Sigourney Weaver Says There's A 'Very Good Reason' For Four Avatar Sequels

Does the world really need four more Avatar movies? Sigourney Weaver assures us it does.

One of the stars of James Cameron's 2009 sci-fi drama, Weaver told Entertainment Weekly that "there's a very good reason" why the sequel turned into four films. "Having read all four of them, I think they're absolutely extraordinary and worth the wait," she said.

Although Weaver's character Dr. Grace Augustine died in the first movie, she said she'll begin work on the sequels this summer, but she won't reveal exactly how she returns. "These films are very much about the peril of this beautiful planet, and [Cameron] is continuing the same themes of greed and callousness of the corporations and plight of the indigenous people," she said. "I'm very excited to be able to work on these four stories." 

Weaver said that since the first Avatar introduced us to the world of Pandora, there's more room for the sequels to take us further into Cameron's universe. "A lot of the heavy lifting has already been done in [the first Avatar], opening up the world and the characters and everything and I think that Jim has had a wonderful time writing these four," she said. "It's going to be very exciting bringing them to life."

She also affirmed that it's the biggest production she's ever been a part of, which is saying a lot for the actress who starred in the Alien franchise. "It's the most ambitious project by far I've ever been involved in, and the most moving, the most astonishing, beautiful," she said. "I think all of us who get to be a part of it are just in awe when we see the artwork. It's just incredible to be living now when we can bring this kind of film experience to the public. Because I think as much as Avatar changed what people want in a film experience, this goes a hundred times farther."

Still, we won't make a return trip to Pandora for a while. The first sequel is expected to arrive Dec. 18, 2020, with the second to follow on Dec. 17, 2021, and the third on Dec. 20, 2024. The fourth sequel will land eight years from now, in December 2025. In the meantime, Walt Disney World will hold you over with the World of Avatar attraction.

While we're looking into the future, check out a few movies that will blow everyone away in 2019.