Marvel's Most Powerful Magic Users

Few things can faze an average citizen living in the Marvel universe. After all, they inhabit a reality in which billionaires in flight-capable armor, multiple Spider-people, and literal gods run around freely. It's also a place full of powerful practitioners of magic — and not just the pull-a-rabbit-out-of-a-hat variety. We're talking sorcerers supreme, immortal witches, and all sorts of actual demons.

Marvel's mystical masters are capable of many astounding feats. They are not, however, created equal. Most of the heroes and villains who practice the arcane arts can teleport, conjure up objects, and cast illusions with relative ease. But a small handful are simply in a class of their own — not only in terms of magical aptitude, but in the ways they apply their vast, mysterious knowledge. The greatest among them are even capable of things like completely destroying all of Earth's vampires and rewriting the very fabric of reality. These are the Marvel universe's most powerful magic users, from interdimensional gods to immortal witches.

Adam Warlock

Despite his magical name, the cosmically-empowered artificial being known as Adam Warlock isn't at the top of most fans' minds when it comes to magic users. However, his ability to harness mystical energies — in part due to his connection to the Soul Gem — makes him one of Marvel's most formidable mystics. This "perfect human" has an impressive repertoire of magical skills, including (but not limited to) astral projection, exorcism, the ability to resurrect other beings, and portal casting. He is also immune to soul-draining powers, and can even use his astral form to visit the future.

Throughout his decades of comic book history, Warlock has displayed many impressive feats of sorcery. In 1977's "Marvel Two-in-One Annual" #2, for example, he manages to trap Thanos in a petrified form after spending some time inside the Soul Gem. Warlock has also shown mastery of the other Infinity Gems, which enable him to take the Infinity Gauntlet from Nebula's clutches and restore order to the cosmos in 1991's "Infinity Gauntlet" #6. Warlock's magical prowess is so impressive, in fact, that it's nigh-unbeatable, even when he doesn't have home court advantage. In the 1993 limited series "Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrection," the cosmic being finds himself in a massive battle against Mephisto in the demonic ruler's own kingdom. The result? In the words of the demon himself: "[Warlock] soundly defeated me."

Morgan Le Fay

Enthusiasts of Arthurian legend will immediately recognize Morgan Le Fay. In the context of the Marvel universe, few can match the sorceress' skills. Aside from astral projection and the ability to control her enemies, Le Fay can also raise the dead, enchant others, and even travel through time. First appearing as a foe of the original Black Knight, Le Fay resurfaced in the modern age to bedevil Spider-Woman. Despite being unable to manipulate the superheroine's mind, Le Fay gets the last laugh in 1983's "Spider-Woman" #50 when she successfully prevents Spider-Woman from assuming her corporeal form.

Le Fay wreaks havoc in all sorts of ways. One memorable instance arrives in 1998's "Avengers" #2, when she twists reality into a nightmarish callback to medieval times. Another example is found in 2009's "Dark Avengers" #1, which sees her and her demon horde face off against the government-sanctioned team. Her magic is powerful enough to bring her back to life twice, after being violently killed by the Sentry and Bullseye (masquerading as Hawkeye).


Enumerating the powers possessed by the Dread Dormammu is like going through a shopping list of superpowers. In addition to superhuman strength, matter and elemental control, immortality, invulnerability, shape and size manipulation, and illusion-casting, the ruler of the Dark Dimension is also capable of multiversal travel and reality-warping. It's no surprise that this mystical being remains one of Doctor Strange's deadliest foes. In fact, it's a wonder the Sorcerer Supreme has managed to defeat him at all.

So great is Dormammu's power that he manages to imprison an abstract being with no physical form. In 1966's "Strange Tales" #146, Dormammu's frustration over suffering defeat at the hands of Earth's mystical guardian prompts him to fight Eternity itself. While Eternity is in an immobile state, Dormammu seals the being in a mystical shell. Only Doctor Strange's timely arrival saves it (and the multiverse) from Dormammu's murderous rage.

Dormammu has also displayed the ability to rewrite entire realities, like when he and his sister Umar recreate the universe in his own image in the 2005 "Defenders" limited series. Through the Eye of Agamotto, Dormammu brings his hellish vision of utopia to life, turning Earth's heroes into his loyal enforcers, with an evil doppelganger of Doctor Strange to lead them.


Since her first appearance in 1964's "Strange Tales" #126, the white-haired sorceress known as Clea has been something of an enigma. Eventually revealed to be the daughter of Dormammu's sister Umar, Clea is one of Doctor Strange's staunchest allies — she even marries the hero at one point. It is indeed fortunate for Earth that Clea decides to fight on the side of the angels: The boundaries of her mystical abilities have yet to be discovered.

Due to her lineage and her time as Strange's student, Clea's magical powers might actually surpass her mentor's and her mother's. So far, she's demonstrated the ability to conjure objects, throw bolts of energy, and cast an impressive array of magic spells. She also ages at a greatly decelerated rate, maintaining her youthful appearance across millennia.

Sadly, Clea's feats are perpetually overshadowed by Strange's. But Clea is certainly no pushover, as she demonstrates in 1989's "Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme" #12 when she defeats the Enchantress, an Asgardian sorceress. More importantly, Clea has ruled the Dark Dimension — the same realm her uncle Dormammu historically controls — and continues to assist the good Doctor during times of great need.

Agatha Harkness

Due to her frail and elderly appearance, many underestimate Agatha Harkness. However, this incredible witch hides an impressive set of mystical abilities that have proven to be a massive boon for the heroes of the Marvel universe on many occasions. First off, Agatha is capable of dimensional manipulation, and possesses increased magical awareness. She can also generate force fields capable of preventing even viruses from spreading, as she demonstrates in 1998's "Silver Surfer" #135. In addition, Agatha can manipulate minds and memories on both an individual and a massive scale. In 2020's "Captain America" #19, for instance, she is able to make Cap mentally experience about 500 years' worth of momentous events. She goes even further In 1979's "Fantastic Four Annual" #14, when she modifies every person on Earth's memories.

Out of all the devastating tricks up Agatha's sleeve, her most remarkable display of magical prowess is her knack for escaping the jaws of death. In 1985's "Vision and the Scarlet Witch" #3, an organization called the Salem Seven captures Agatha, and, in true witch-hunting fashion, burns her at the stake. This does not turn out to be the end for her, though, as her spirit guides Wanda Maximoff in defeating the Seven. Years later, Agatha is even able to resurrect herself.

Baron Mordo

Few can hold a candle to Doctor Strange's arcane abilities quite like his chief rival, Baron Karl Amadeus Mordo. The super-villainous spellcaster can channel the mystical energies of the universe to perform incredible feats of magic. In addition to the basic abilities of a typical Marvel magic-user like hurling magic bolts and levitating, Baron Mordo can telepathically transmit his voice across long distances, as well as deflect magical attacks using powerful shields. As a result, neither physical attacks nor magical spells can do much damage to him. And if that's not enough, he can also hypnotize people, materialize objects and minions seemingly out of thin air, create dimensional portals, and summon undead henchmen.

Mordo is so powerful that he doesn't even need to be in the same room (or realm) as Doctor Strange to do battle with him. In 1964's "Strange Tales" #121, Mordo sends a group of ectoplasmic wraiths to attack Doctor Strange in the astral plane, while the evil sorcerer is in a place far away from the hero. He can also leave lasting traces of his cursed magic on enchanted items. 2011's "Power Man and Iron Fist" #4 reveals that Mordo has trapped the souls of a group of thieves in a set of masks. Anyone who wears the masks will be instantly possessed by the cursed felons, and must kill a person daily to avoid being trapped in Limbo.

Doctor Voodoo

Jericho Drumm has the distinction of being the greatest practitioner of voodoo "white magic" on the planet, according to 1990's "Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme" #20. Voodoo isn't Drumm's only specialty, though. In fact, he's so well-versed in the mystic arts that he briefly replaces Doctor Strange as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme.

Drumm has an astounding grab bag of magical tricks, useful for both offense and defense. He can control animals, as well as harness the powers of the elements. He also has the ability to stop enemies in their tracks, and can even manipulate time to a limited extent. Like Baron Mordo, physical and magical attacks do reduced damage against him. He can also create vapors and smoke that camouflage him from his foes, while giving him full visibility. Appropriately enough, these smokescreens generate the sound of beating voodoo drums.

Notably, you'll definitely want Doctor Voodoo on your side in a zombie apocalypse: In 1989's "Marc Spector: Moon Knight" #7, he casts a spell on a horde of zombies that cures them of their condition. He can also save himself and his allies from certain death in the nick of time, as when he teleports an entire team of Avengers out of a spacecraft set to collide with the sun in 2016's "Uncanny Avengers" #12.


Illyana Rasputin is X-Man Colossus' mutant sister. She has the ability to summon "stepping discs," which permit her and her allies to instantaneously move to a designated spot across space and time. On its own, this power makes Magik a powerful battlefield asset. Combined with her other magical abilities, though, it makes her an absolutely indispensable teammate.

As the prime sorceress of the dimension called Limbo, Magik possesses mystical powers on par with many demonic rulers. She also wields the Soulsword, a weapon forged from a fragment of her own soul that amplifies her magical abilities and destroys non-corporeal creatures and structures. In 2009's "New Mutants" #3, Magik slays three of the mutant Legion's split personalities inside his head. She is by no means dependent on the Soulsword, however. Her teammates nearly lose their lives in battle against her in 1988's "New Mutants" #71, when she temporarily loses her weapon and transforms into the blood-red demon Darkchilde.

One of Magik's most impressive feats takes place in 2013's "Uncanny X-Men" #6, when she and her fellow X-Men take on Dormammu — and win. Following this, Magik acknowledges the need to develop her magical abilities further, and seeks Doctor Strange's mentorship.


As the being in charge of the souls of dead Asgardians, Hela possesses impressive magical abilities. She has the usual arsenal of spells one would expect from any Marvel mystic: Hela can project herself in the astral plane, travel through time, and hurl magical energy blasts. Beyond that, however, she has a number of unique abilities that set her apart from the average spellcaster.

For starters, Hela's hand is capable of killing ordinary mortals and Asgardians alike — and the mighty Thor himself is no exception. In 1971's "Thor" #190, the death goddess slays the thunder god with a single touch. Thor is only spared by a last-minute plea from his lover, Sif, who convinces Hela to restore him. Hela is also capable of taking a shred of Odin's soul, as she demonstrates in 1971's "Thor" #185, creating a dangerous entity called Infinity.

Interestingly, Odin acknowledges that Hela herself must never be slain, or the nether realm will be thrown into chaos. This makes her less of a straightforward villain and more of a force for cosmic balance. Appropriately, Hela isn't easy to kill. In 2019's "Guardians of the Galaxy" #6, she even manages to free herself from a black hole, a normally inescapable predicament that would rip any other being to pieces.

Scarlet Witch

Arguably one of the most powerful Avengers, Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, is a master of chaos magic. This means that, aside from the constructs and spells she casts in battle, she is also capable of manipulating probabilities, time, and even reality itself. This has resulted in some pretty surprising — and horrifying — feats of magic.

For a time, Wanda joins the West Coast division of the Avengers, and subsequently develops feelings for Wonder Man. The ionic Avenger eventually loses his life in battle, but in 1998's "Avengers" #11, Wanda resurrects him. Bringing people back from the dead isn't what Wanda's best known for, though. A slew of personal tragedies and painful memories cause Wanda to have a severe emotional breakdown in 2004's "Avengers" #503, which unconsciously results in the deaths of Jack of Hearts, Ant-Man, Vision, and Hawkeye. Due to the machinations of her twin brother Quicksilver, Wanda rewrites reality in the follow-up story, 2005's "House of M," which makes mutants the dominant species on Earth. This has devastating consequences when reality is restored: Most mutants lose their abilities, and for a time, no new mutants are born. This effectively turns "Homo superior" into an endangered species.

2009's "New Avengers" #54 reveals that Wanda's powers make her a prime candidate for the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. However, the mystical entity Agamotto decides that her lack of control could put the universe at great risk, were she to become Doctor Strange's successor.

Doctor Doom

Easily the Fantastic Four's most dangerous foe, Victor von Doom combines science and magic to become a formidable force in the Marvel universe. His aptitude for the mystic arts stems from his Romani-Latverian mother, but he takes them to a different level by seeking out powerful mentors and arcane magic.

Doctor Doom has never been shy about using magic and technology to seize power. One of the earliest examples of this arrives in 1966's "Fantastic Four" #57, when he subdues the Silver Surfer and steals the herald's Power Cosmic. Similarly, in 1984's "Secret Wars," Doom manages to usurp the powers of the cosmic being known as the Beyonder, and even kills all who oppose him. On both occasions, Doom's own ego proves to be his undoing.

His most successful (albeit short-lived) shot at godhood comes when he reobtains the Beyonder's power in 2015's "Secret Wars" event. As "God Emperor Doom," he crafts the patchwork planet Battleworld from fragments of different realities. Given how his magical talents have also made him a prime candidate to be the next Sorcerer Supreme (per 2009's "New Avengers" #51), the Marvel universe is fortunate he's never made a serious bid for the title.

Doctor Strange

As Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange is the planet's prime defender against malevolent mystical forces that seek to corrupt, dominate, and destroy. As such, Strange has tons of spells at his disposal, granting him incredible abilities that make him a true Master of the Mystic Arts.

For example, Strange is able to rid the world of vampires (albeit temporarily) with a spell in 1983's "Doctor Strange" #62. He displays another impressive magical feat in 2019's "War of the Realms: War Scrolls" #2, when he defeats and subdues the dark lord Nightmare in the dream dimension he rules over. Not even Galactus stands a chance against the full might of the Sorcerer Supreme: In 2019's "Doctor Strange" #13, Strange is able to restrain a souped-up World-Eater. In the next issue, Strange and his ex-wife Clea defeat wave after wave of extradimensional armies as they attempt to find a suitable food source for Galactus.

Strange is also powerful enough to resist attempts at mind control, as shown in 2018's "Infinity Countdown" #5. Should he ever decide to quit superheroics, he would make an excellent forensic detective: In 2018's "Doctor Strange" #9, he reconstructs an explosive — and the fingerprints of the person who planted it.


As it turns out, the Asgardian god of lies isn't just good at fibbing. Loki has enormously powerful spells at his disposal, as well as a slew of abilities that make him one of Marvel's finest magic users.

For starters, Loki is a master illusionist, shapeshifter, and spell-caster. He is capable of flight, teleportation, force field generation, and hypnosis. Moreover, Loki has demonstrated magical immunity to various mental manipulations and power draining abilities. 1990's "Captain America" #366 shows that technological means of mind control don't work on him, while Rogue's attempt to drain his powers in 1986's "X-Men/Alpha Flight" #2 hardly fazes the Asgardian. Loki even has the power to give other beings powers, like when he creates the Absorbing Man in 1965's "Journey into Mystery" #114.

Loki is also effectively immortal. 2010's "Thor" #617 reveals that death is essentially a revolving door for him, as he's removed his name from the Book of Hel. Combined with his shapeshifting abilities and literally divine might, Loki has an infinite number of ways to cheat death.