Simpsons Fans Are Going Wild For This New Character

"The Simpsons" is probably older than a lot of people who watch it today. The show's gone strong since 1989, delivering hundreds of episodes of America's zaniest family. At this point, you'd probably think the show has done every conceivable plotline imaginable and included every type of character archetype out there. But it just goes to show the power of "The Simpsons" that it continues finding ways to surprise audiences and maintain relevancy all these decades later.

The most recent episode, Season 33, Episode 5, "Lisa's Belly," aired on October 24, 2021. The main plotline deals with Lisa and Bart getting an infection at a water park. They have to take steroids to recover, which results in both of them gaining weight, which is particularly difficult on Lisa when Marge refers to her as "chunky." To get over these negative feelings, Lisa goes to a hypnotherapist named Dr. Wendy Sage, a breast cancer survivor who underwent a unilateral mastectomy. 

In an era where representation matters more than ever before, fans loved how the show centered around body positivity and accepting yourself for all of your flaws. It drew massive support across social media, proving that "The Simpsons" is still one of the most important series on television.

Fans share their support for Dr. Wendy Sage

Approximately 280,000 women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every single year in the United States. Many of those women will receive a mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of one or both breasts, either partially or entirely. It can make women feel self-conscious about themselves, but it's essential for all people to feel content in their bodies. Dr. Wendy Sage embraces that attitude beautifully in the newest "Simpsons" episode, and fans were quick to express their pleasure at the show for being on the right side of this issue.

Twitter was aflutter with compliments for the show, like this statement from @frangipancakes: "The Simpsons has a character with 1 boob and a port scar and I'm in love." Those sentiments were echoed by @magwillti, who wrote, "Many thanks to #TheSimpsons. This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month done well."

The episode serves as a good reminder that "The Simpsons" still has some spark in it. After 33 seasons, it's easy for people to say the show isn't as good as it used to be. While that opinion's entirely subjective, it's worth remembering there are still some bright spots in the show today with its team of talented writers and directors. @BudrykZack provided one of the best reviews for the episode online: "I basically only watch new Simpsons out of muscle memory but the one tonight, which is about how casual body-talk by mothers can give daughters a complex, is one of the best I've seen in years."

One thing's clear above all else, Dr. Wendy Sage is a character that makes us all go "Woo-Hoo!"