Get Your First Look At Amazon Blumhouse Movie The Manor

Blumhouse has become synonymous with horror in the 21st century. The production company began cranking out films in 2006, but people began to stand up and take notice with a little movie from 2009 called "Paranormal Activity." The found-footage flick not only caught on with audiences, spawning an entire franchise in the process, but it also gave Blumhouse the leeway to pursue many other horror projects of all different sub-genres. 

The company went on to produce some of the most influential and significant horror movies of the modern age, such as "Insidious," "Get Out," and "Us." Blumhouse doesn't appear to have any plans on slowing down any time soon, as evidenced from the full docket of movies coming out over the next few years. One project you'll want to keep an eye on is the gothic film "The Manor," directed by Axelle Carolyn and starring screen legend Barbara Hershey.

The film's slated for an October 8 release date exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. With less than a month until it comes out, we have our best look yet at the picture, and it looks to be an engrossing tale of horror.

The Manor promises things that go bump in the night

"The Manor" follows Judith (Hershey), who initially believes it's for the best to move into an assisted living facility in her old age. However, she soon senses a terrifying presence once she's there, but all of her claims are dismissed as symptomatic of dementia. Residents die, and Judith needs to find a way to escape the confines of the building before it's too late. 

Director Axelle Carolyn spoke with Entertainment Weekly about what she hopes people get out of the movie, specifically how assisted living facilities treat the elderly population. But she had another goal in mind while making this movie, namely, "It's a supernatural mystery and a creature feature, so while I would love for people to reflect on the way we treat our elders, I want them to be entertained first and foremost." Carolyn has plenty of experience scaring the pants off of audiences with her work on "The Haunting of Bly Manor," "Creepshow," and "American Horror Story: Double Feature."

Entertainment Weekly also has an exclusive look at the trailer if you want an even better look at the frights hidden within the film. You know where to be this October 8, and Amazon has even more scary movies to kick off the spookiest month of the year. October 1 sees the release of "Black as Night" and "Bingo Hell" while the following week has "The Manor" in addition to "Madres." They're all horror movies from Blumhouse, so you can have yourself a nice little horror marathon if you want.