Chris Pine, Ben Foster Re-Team With Hell Or High Water Director For Outlaw King

Released in 2016, David Mackenzie's Hell or High Water was a sweat-drenched western that made its way onto multiple "best of the year" lists, racked up a 98 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and scored four Oscar nominations. A lot of that love had to do with the amazing performances from Chris Pine and Ben Foster, and evidently, Netflix was also impressed with the tale of bank-robbing brothers. According to Deadline, the streaming giant is getting the Hell or High Water crew back together, only this time, Pine and Foster are trading modern-day Texas for 14th-century Scotland.

With Mackenzie at the helm, Pine and Foster are in "final talks" for Netflix's Outlaw King, a period piece that will focus on Robert the Bruce, the Scottish hero who liberated his people from England's control. Most moviegoers (the ones who don't live in Scotland, anyway) will probably best remember this real-life character from the movie Braveheart, where he was portrayed by Angus Macfadyen as a conflicted ruler caught between his conniving father and the legendary William Wallace. However, Outlaw King is going to steal the spotlight away from the swordsman originally played by Mel Gibson (though Wallace will still be part of the film) and give the glory back to Robert, as he was the guy who became king after successfully driving the English out of his homeland.

Per Deadline, Pine is set to play Robert the Bruce, and Foster will be his right-hand man, a knight by the name of James Douglas. If these guys can bring the same chemistry they had in Hell or High Water, then moviegoers are definitely in for one intense film, although chances are good nobody will be screaming "freedom" at the top of their lungs. While we're waiting for more info about the upcoming Netflix flick, be sure to read about Mel Gibson's take on Scottish history with our list on movies that rely on inaccurate history for their plots.