The Criminal Minds Unsubs Fans Didn't Want To Get Caught

Police procedurals might deal with some dark and twisted subject matter at times, but they're essentially the television equivalent of comfort food. Viewers gravitate toward shows of this ilk because they can always rely on justice and order being restored at the end of each episode. Procedural dramas are some of the most successful shows on the small screen, too, and "Criminal Minds" ranks among the most tenured of the bunch, having lasted for over 300 episodes.

"Criminal Minds" chronicles the exploits of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit as they solve crimes involving some of the worst offenders in the United States. For the most part, the team hunts down vicious killers who are completely reprehensible and long past the point of redemption. Every once in a while, however, the CBS drama introduces viewers to unsubs whose illegal actions are sometimes morally justifiable. But which unsub do fans of the show sympathize with the most?

Criminal Minds featured a sympathetic killer in Season 9

Some of the most sympathetic unsubs in "Criminal Minds" are vigilantes who target abusers and criminals who harm innocent people. A recent Reddit discussion among fans revealed that some viewers wish some killers would get let off the hook or allowed to escape from the law. However, there's one killer who stands out from the pack as being easy to get behind.

The 13th episode of Season 9, titled "The Road Home," sees the FBI agents go after an unsub who protects regular people from robbers, gangsters, drug dealers, and abusive exes. The witnesses to his crimes are reluctant to talk because he either saved them or they sympathize with his cause, which raises some interesting questions about whether the vigilante's actions are right or wrong.

Some Reddit users agreed with the vigilante's motives and stated their reasons for supporting him. "There are so many cases where it's my word against theirs & nothing is done about it, then the abusers/perpetrators just re-offend," one poster noted. This view was echoed by others in the comments section, with another stating that they felt sorry for certain unsubs.

Some killers in Criminal Minds are more problematic than vigilantes

The vigilante unsubs in "Criminal Minds" tend to have understandable reasons for their murderous causes, but some episodes revolve around those who harm innocent people and still manage to elicit sympathy from viewers — even when they act like complete monsters.

As one Reddit user pointed out, Norman, (Mitch Pileggi), the unsub in Season 4's "Normal" episode, is a special tragic case as he suffers from delusions following the heartbreaking death of his daughter. The devastating loss has not only caused Norman to become detached from reality, but he also takes out his frustrations on random strangers whom he makes for impostors — including a woman he believes to be his wife.

As his profile states, Norman is an emasculated individual who craves power and personal highs. With that in mind, it's difficult to completely sympathize with a serial killer with such selfish and uncontrollable impulses. However, the fact his condition stems from grief adds a complicated layer to his character.

Some Criminal Minds fans rooted for a masked vigilante

Jonny McHale (Frankie Muniz), who appeared in the 10th episode of Season 3, is another killer with a sympathetic backstory. An acclaimed comic book writer and artist, this unsub embarks on a vengeance crusade after a gang tortures and kills his pregnant fiancee in front of him, before leaving him for dead in the process. This causes the comic book creator to develop a masked vigilante alter-ego known as "True Night" and hunt down the gang members at night.

One Redditor stated that Jonny deserved to walk free since "the victims are so much worse than the unsub! And there was a finite number of targets as well." At the same time, Jonny's psychotic break is so severe that he also lashes out at one of his innocent elderly neighbors, though it's worth noting that he doesn't harm her. But the scene makes it clear that he's no longer thinking clearly and could end up becoming a public safety concern if he doesn't receive the appropriate treatment.