Seinfeld Fans Just Got The Greatest News Ever From Netflix

Get your puffy shirts, Festivus poles, and Junior Mints ready: "Seinfeld" is coming to Netflix.

In a tweet posted on Netflix official account, the streaming giant revealed that all 180 episodes of the hit series will be available on the platform starting October 1. "Seinfeld" has been absent from the streaming world at large for a few months now, after it left Hulu in June 2021. In 2019, Netflix acquired the rights to "Seinfeld" in a hefty five-year deal with Sony Pictures Television, which controls the distribution of the former NBC series, as reported by Variety. However, the show was still under their streaming deal with Hulu at the time, leading to it remaining on the platform in the interim. 

In the press release announcing the streaming debut, Jerry Seinfeld himself made a characteristically tongue-in-cheek statement on the matter, saying "Larry [David] and I are enormously grateful to Netflix for taking this chance on us. It takes a lot of guts to trust two schmucks who literally had zero experience in television when we made this thing. We really got carried away, I guess. I didn't realize we made so many of them. Hope to recoup god knows how many millions it must have taken to do" (via The Hollywood Reporter). 

Seinfeld is one of the biggest shows of all time

The big move of "Seinfeld" to Netflix is certainly welcome news to fans of the show. With 209 million subscribers, as shared by The Hollywood Reporter, it's likely that quite a few — if not all — of the show's many devotees are already subscribed to the platform. Many shows that formerly aired on NBC, most notably "The Office," have left Netflix to be exclusively available on NBC owned streaming app "Peacock," so Seinfeld's new home on Netflix is great news to those who aren't keen to pay for a new service (or find a friend's account to use).  

The hit comedy remains one of the most successful television shows ever, amassing a staggering 68 Emmy nominations during its nine season run. The sheer cultural influence of this famous "show about nothing" is unmatched, too — with the show and it's seemingly endless array of quotes, catchphrases, and references holding a place in the cultural zeitgeist in a way very few pieces of entertainment are able to do. 

Though we can't imagine there are many Netflix subscribers who haven't seen the show before, the new streaming home of "Seinfeld" will only bring the laughs to an even wider audience.