Ben Wheatley Compares Upcoming Monster Movie To Doom

One of the most exciting filmmakers working today, Ben Wheatley has made some truly dark and twisted gems, such as Kill List and High-Rise. Now, with Free Fire about to hit theaters, the English director is preparing to shoot one of his most exciting projects yet: Freakshift. Starring Alicia Vikander and Armie Hammer, the film has been described as "an all-guns-blazing action thriller about a band of misfits who hunt down and kill nocturnal monsters." With filming slated for August, the director recently sat down with Collider's Steve Weintraub and gave a few teasers for his upcoming monster movie, and you know what? This thing sounds absolutely amazing.

"It's monsters, shotguns, trucks, fighting at night," Wheatley said, describing the film, "and it's in the future, things coming out like crabs. Stuff with claws." After giving his pitch, the director then explained Freakshift would be "a kind of '50s B-movie done through the prism of Hill Street Blues and Doom."

See, we told you it sounds amazing.

As for the actual plot, Wheatley told IndieWire back in 2012 that his "cops versus monsters" movie would focus on "a crew that's built up this armored vehicle, and they go out and have to respond to 911 calls about these big monsters that have come out of the ground." In addition to battling giant crabs, the crew will also have to face down "weird spiders" and "massive half-monkey mutant things." It gets even crazier when you learn the monsters are all infected with something nasty, so you definitely don't want to get their blood on you.

In other words, we can't wait to see Vikander and Hammer in action. Of course, there are plenty of other monster movies out there to watch in the meantime, and if you want to learn more about your favorite scary bad guys, be sure to check out what famous horror movie monsters look like without their masks.