Daisy Ridley Says The Last Jedi Will Reveal More About Rey's Origins

Will we finally find out if Rey is a Skywalker?

During the highly anticipated The Last Jedi panel at Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, The Force Awakens darling Daisy Ridley took the stage to join director Rian Johnson, and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. After a banter session with host Josh Gad about Rey's possible last name (Gad quipped, "You're like the Madonna of Jakku"), Ridley revealed that fans will learn more about the mononymous leading lady.

While she couldn't dish up too many details, Ridley stated, "What I can say is, in The Last Jedi, we go deeper into Rey's story."

Though we won't know whether she's of Skywalker or even Kenobi descent until the film is actually released, Ridley mentioned that her first interaction with the famed Jedi warrior may not be exactly what she (or any of us) expected.

Of Rey finally getting to speak to her "hero," Ridley said, "Rey has a certain expectation as to what she might be getting from Luke. It's difficult when you meet your heroes. It's not always quite what you expect."

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what Rey's true origins are and how her meeting with Luke shakes out. However, we can't say how patient we'll be while counting the days until The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.

If you missed all the Star Wars Celebration action live, we've got you covered with a recording of the panel below. After brushing up on the event's announcements and anecdotes, find out why The Last Jedi will be better than you think.