Coming To America Sequel Snags Original Writers

There's been talk of a Coming to America sequel brewing for quite a while, and now it looks like things are finally official.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the second installment is definitely happening, and Paramount is getting the old band back together by hiring Barry Blaustein and David Sheffield, the duo who wrote the first Coming to America screenplay.

Unfortunately, there's no word yet if Eddie Murphy is returning, although it seems pretty essential to bring back the original Prince Akeem. Of course, Murphy's involvement has been up in the air for the past few months. Last month, someone tweeted out word of the upcoming sequel on the comedian's Twitter account. But after building a bit of buzz, the tweet disappeared. Crazier still, Murphy's entire account vanished shortly afterward, causing quite a bit of confusion for Coming to America fans.

Still, you've got to hope that Murphy will return for part two. After all, the first film is regarded as a classic, and Bill Simmons of Grantland described the flick as Murphy's "last great movie." The film was also incredibly popular, earning over $288 million worldwide and becoming the third highest-grossing domestic film of 1988 (losing only to Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Rain Man).

If the film actually makes its way to theaters, fingers crossed we'll see Murphy playing multiple characters yet again. But while we're waiting for further news on Coming to America 2, be sure to check up on all the other sequels you didn't know were being made.