Han Solo Movie Will Feature Han 'Getting His Name'

Wait. Is the "stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf-herder" we all know and love not named Han Solo? According to Disney CEO Bob Iger, he may not be.

Following Woody Harrelson's character name reveal in the upcoming Phil Lord and Chris Miller-helmed film (it's "Beckett," if you were wondering, because we know you were), Iger revealed additional information on the spinoff film. The Han Solo standalone flick is set to venture into how the space scoundrel meets the gentle giant Chewie and how he nabs the Millennium Falcon for his own. But what's most interesting is that the upcoming movie will show Han "getting his name."

During a Q&A session with Willow Bay, the dean of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (and Iger's wife), Iger stated that the "Han Solo movie will follow him from age 18 through 24 and show him finding the Falcon, meeting Chewbacca, and getting his name." This statement comes from industry journalist Ben Fritz, who was present during the USC Annenberg business and tech event.

While it's been noted that Han doesn't actually find the famous ship—with film director Charles de Lauzirika commenting on Twitter that Han "wins it in a game of sabacc" from Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover)–that bit of information isn't what has fans in a tizzy.

It sounds like Iger implied Han Solo isn't the Star Wars icon's given name, and that the upcoming spinoff will explain how he snagged that moniker. However, it could just be down to a poor choice of words, with Iger actually meaning to say that fans will discover how Han became the hero he is today. As de Lauzirika mentioned, perhaps the film will be the "Casino Royale of the Star Wars movies," and we'll get a bit of a remixed backstory that may or may not include a name change.

Either way, Star Wars lovers will have to wait until May 25, 2018 to see how it really pans out. Until then, read up on the things we definitely want to see in the Han Solo flick.