How Samuel L. Jackson Really Feels About Snakes On A Plane

"Snakes on a Plane" might go down in history as one of the silliest films ever made — but that's why so many people love it. The Samuel L. Jackson-led flick hit theaters in 2006 and was a box office disappointment, according to the New York Times. There was an insane amount of hype for the film online before it debuted, but people didn't flock to the theaters like many predicted they would. The movie seemed to be more fun to joke about than anything, but it became a cult classic after its release on DVD and debut on television. All these years later, it's still a fun movie to throw on if you're not looking for something too serious — or serious at all.

Jackson has over 190 acting credits to his name, and "Snakes on a Plane" is surprisingly one of his most well-known films. The actor delivered the movie's most famous line — "I have had it with these motherf***ing snakes on this motherf***ing plane" — a quote many know by heart even if they haven't seen the movie. It's just one example of the sheer impact "Snakes on a Plane's" legacy has left. Jackson has been made fun of for joining the film all those years ago, but his sentiments regarding the movie are somewhat surprising and quite refreshing.

Samuel L. Jackson is proud of Snakes on a Plane

It seems like there isn't a role in the world Samuel L. Jackson will turn down, and he certainly wasn't going to pass on "Snakes on a Plane." The actor chatted with Entertainment Weekly back in 2006 when the movie was released, and he admitted he called the original director Ronny Lu and begged to be in it. After Lu exited the project, Jackson stayed on board because he was excited to be in a film with a title as fun as "Snakes on a Plane."

Jackson also knew that this wasn't going to be an Oscar-nominated film from the get-go. "It's that kind of mindless, popcorn, you-didn't-need-a-genius-to-write-this kind of script," he also told EW. "Snakes on a Plane doesn't speak volumes about s***. It just says people are still making movies that people are having fun going to watch." The actor also remembered his agents didn't want him to do the movie because of how ridiculous it seemed, but that didn't bother Jackson one bit. "I'm doing movies for other people to go see and have some fun because I want to go see them and have some fun. It's just that simple," he said.

Seven years after "Snakes on a Plane" came out, Jackson appeared on "The Graham Norton Show," where he discussed how much fun he had on set. "I stand by that movie steadfastly because I had a great time making that movie, and that's what it was about for me," he said. "I stand by it. I'd do 'Snakes on a Plane 2' and '3!'"

In 2020, Jackson defended the movie further after a Twitter user poked fun at him for thinking "Snakes on a Plane" was a good idea. "WTF does that even mean??! It's a cult fave & your claim to fame is....???? For the record, it was a Great Idea!! Those residuals," he tweeted back with a fire emoji. Jackson clearly doesn't take himself too seriously and just wants to deliver the best entertainment he can to moviegoers. Mission accomplished.