Edward James Olmos Returning As Gaff In Blade Runner 2049

Despite the fact that Edward James Olmos denied it for months, he will definitely reprise his Blade Runner role in the upcoming, long-awaited sequel.

The veteran actor told TheTREND Talk Show that he'll have one scene in Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049. He also revealed why he stayed quiet about it for so long.

"I signed a seven page non-disclosure contract," Olmos said. "I did, my manager did, my agent did, everybody did. I couldn't talk about it. I couldn't talk about it to anybody about it. Guess what? This is the first time that I'm telling the whole world, that yes, I am going to be Gaff in Blade Runner 2049."

In Ridley Scott's 1982 cult classic, Olmos played Eduardo Gaff, an enigmatic and mysterious character who only appeared in a handful of scenes. However, Gaff was the last person to see Harrison Ford's LAPD Blade Runner Rick Deckard before he vanished. And although he will only make a brief appearance in the sequel, Olmos said it will be an important one.

"Well, [the movie is] not about Gaff, but it's about someone who is going to try to find out certain things about us back then. My role is like it was in the original–that time I only had four scenes, in this I only have one. But again, it's a poignant little scene."

That "someone" he refers to is likely Ryan Gosling's character, an LAPD cop named "K" who is searching for the long-lost Deckard. Chances are that Gaff will provide a clue about his whereabouts, so the scene could take place early in the flick.

While most of the plot details are still top secret, there's one thing we do know: Villeneuve has said (via The Playlist) that he has no interest in answering the question of whether or not Deckard is a replicant.

Blade Runner 2049 hits theaters Oct. 6. Find out how the sequel can fix what the original movie got wrong.