How This Asylum Character Ties Into The Show According To AHS Fans

In a show as jam-packed with Easter eggs as "American Horror Story," fans leave no stones unturned in their search for references. From minor details to full-blown conspiracy theories, producer Ryan Murphy knows how to make fans question everything that occurs on the show.

On the show's subreddit, u/LuckyClover3 inquired about Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn), a character who appeared in just one episode of "Asylum." The Redditor asked, "How does she tie into the series, if at all?"

Reynolds, who was abandoned by her mother at Briarcliff Manor in "The Origins of Monstrosity," was suspected of killing her only friend with a pair of scissors. The child never cried and behaved "more like an adult," which concerned her family. Sister Jude (Jessica Lange) turned her away because the asylum didn't have a children's ward yet, so she had to scramble when she realized the child was now in her care.

So, how does this "Asylum" character tie in with the rest of the series?

A possible future in American Horror Stories

Other fans explained that it's unknown whether or not evil little Jenny Reynolds plays a larger role in the extended "American Horror Story" canon. Her arc ended on that episode when, encouraged by Sister Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe) to embrace her inner evil, the girl returned home and killed her whole family.

u/xavierplympton said, "Her character doesn't really do much except highlight Sister Mary Euniceā€¯ adding that her role "(adds) some creepiness to the season." The possessed nun told the sociopathic child that she was "born with the gift of authentic impulse," saying that she "wasted so much time trying to be a good girl."

u/JoOddityArt5 pointed out that the girl's fate "contributed to stress on Sister Jude towards the end of the season," though she never reappeared. However, it's possible that Reynolds may reappear in the show. "This is the kind of thing I want American Horror Stories to do," said u/TommenSucks. "A follow up on a character like hers could be interesting."

The upcoming spin-off series, "American Horror Stories," debuts on July 15. According to Murphy's Twitter, the self-contained episodes will explore "horror myths, legends and lore," though promos have also teased the return of the terrifying rubber costume from Season 1. Maybe we'll see a grown-up Jenny Reynolds and her growing collection of hair trophies, too.