The Ending Of Godzilla: Singular Point Explained

Confusing is one of the many words one could use to describe the finale of "Godzilla: Singular Point." Granted, it's not a bad ending. The final climax of the anime does feel as though it has a decent payoff — even if your brain has to do some exercise to make sense of all the theoretical physics jargon and literary allegories packed into the show's exposition. As a viewer, you have enough of a sense of what the characters are doing (and why) that the finale feels earned.

But there are still so many burning questions. How exactly did Jet Jaguar stop Godzilla? What even is a Singular Point? Where is Ashihara now and why is he building Mechagodzilla? The show is so packed with information that it breezes by these concepts (granted, the latter is a post-credits stinger) before you can really decipher them. Thankfully, most of the ending of "Singular Point" can be explained (sort of) once you give it some mental elbow grease.

So wait, what happened in that final fight?

Though it happened at the last second, our heroes do manage to avert the Catastrophe predicted by Ashihara. All it took was several incredibly advanced programs, a little bit of time travel, and an understanding of how the future influences the past to find the solution that had been there the whole time. As revealed by the newly updated Jet Jaguar PP in the finale, he/it is the key to stopping everything. It is the code for the Orthogonal Diagonalizer (which seems mysteriously similar to the Oxygen Destroyer from the original "Gojira.")

Furthermore, it has been transmitting itself back and forth through time (via Pelops II and SHIVA) over the last 50 or so years in the form of the mysterious lullaby, forewarning humanity of the impending Catastrophe while also providing them the solution. The only problem is that nobody understood how the song was connected until Jet Jaguar PP was advanced enough to remember how to prevent the Catastrophe by itself. In an act of self-sacrifice, it allows itself to be destroyed while priming the Diagonalizer it was carrying.

The effects of the Diagonalizer are still somewhat uncertain. After all, the code that allows it to prevent the Catastrophe shouldn't technically exist. But, it seems to stabilize Archetype particles into a form that is compatible with our universe. Once this is done, there's no more harmful red dust capable of summoning universe-destroying kaiju with precognition.

What the heck is a Singular Point and what does it have to do with a Catastrophe?

Of course, there's no point in knowing how Jet Jaguar accomplishes any of this if we don't understand what it was preventing in the first place. Like many concepts in "Godzilla: Singular Point," it's a challenge to wrap your head around. In the context of this story, Singular Point means many things. It is the technological singularity, where A.I. surpasses humanity. It is also a singular point in time, as well as a singularity — as in, an infinitely dense point in space. But how do any of those things explain the Catastrophe?

Well, everything above hinges on the first Singular Point we see, red dust. As a form of Archetype, it is constantly sending information to itself back to a single point in time. Much like how SHIVA (a computer based on Archetype) overloaded when calculating the future, all of this future-information sharing one point in space and time is like having multiple timelines crash into each other. The multiverse is overloading, beckoning creatures made of Archetype from another world to this one.

Our heroes prevent the Catastrophe by creating their own Singular Point in Jet Jaguar. As the amalgamation of multiple timelines stretching back 50 years, it "cuts off" all timelines where the Catastrophe happens by rendering all red dust inert at a single point in time. Unfortunately, that may not be the end of their worries.

What's with Ashihara and the Mechagodzilla?

Perhaps the biggest mystery in this entire series involves the true whereabouts and intentions of the scientist who first discovered the transdimensional substance, Ashihara. Supposedly, he died in the original computational explosion caused when he tried to make SHIVA calculate the future. We don't actually see him until Pelops II discovers a digital recording of him while time traveling in SHIVA's ship program. This is the point in time when Pelops II delivers the original broadcast of the lullaby containing Jet Jaguar PP's programming.

Following this event, we assume that this is all we will ever see of the long-dead Ashihara. That is, until the post-credits stinger. In all the excitement surrounding Jet Jaguar and his last-second victory against Godzilla, it's easy to forget about the skeleton of the first Godzilla that started this whole mess. When we last saw it, the remains had been purchased by the company who discovered Archetype. It is revealed they are being led by a shockingly alive Ashihara. Seemingly with nefarious intentions, we see Ashihara's team reconfiguring the remains into a version of Mechagodzilla. 

This could spell bad news for our heroes in Season 2. The skeleton is known to produce red dust, meaning Yun, Mei, and the Otaki crew could have to prevent another Catastrophe in the future. It's a worrying possibility. But there's no reason to fret. After all, the answers to these final questions already exist somewhere in the future.