Loki Episode 1 Broke A Massive Disney Record

It wasn't so long ago that Tom Hiddleston told us Wednesdays would be the new Fridays as Disney+'s schedule changed with a little help from the god of mischief himself. For both "WandaVision" and "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," new episodes dropped to the streaming service at the end of each week. Come Friday, we all collectively found ourselves either rushing to social media or avoiding it like the plague as people picked apart each episode of the first two Marvel series to debut on Disney+.

As "Loki" mixed things up by switching to a midweek release schedule, it was only natural for people to wonder — what impact will that have on audiences? Will people still wake up in the middle of the night to be among the first to see how Loki handles Owen Wilson's Agent Mobius and the Time Variance Authority? After all, it's hump day — are people going to be focused on the MCU or focused on trying to get that little bit closer to the weekend?

If you were worried about Loki and his viewing numbers, you can rest easy. It turns out he's not just doing well, he's also doing better than his predecessors — born to rule, indeed.

Loki was born to rule over the Disney+ viewing figures

Per Deadline, Samba TV keeps track of how many people watch each of the big tentpole Disney Plus shows so far. According to them, "WandaVision" brought in 655,000 viewers on its first day and 1.6 million for its three-day opening. "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" fared slightly better, with 759,000 viewers on its first day and 1.7 million over the weekend.

So, how did "Loki" do in comparison? Well, while we don't yet know how many people will have watched by the end of the weekend just yet, we can confirm that "Loki" stands at the top of the heap for Day 1 watchers with a whopping 890,000 viewers — on a Wednesday!

If you're wondering how SambaTV gets these figures, they gather their data across 3 million households with Smart terrestrial TV. So if you're part of that sample and you watched five minutes worth of "Loki," congratulations — you're part of that record-breaking number. And, yes, 890,000 viewers is the highest first-day viewership of any Disney+ show so far, and that includes movies like "Cruella," too.

New episodes of "Loki" debut on Disney+ on Wednesdays.