Where Is Tamy Lyn From My 600-Lb Life Now?

"My 600-Lb Life" highlights how individuals who fall into the category of extreme obesity don't merely have an eating issue. There are often deep-seated psychological issues at play that have influenced the people featured throughout the series. That's abundantly evident with Season 6's Tamy Lyn Murrell.

She had a heart-wrenching backstory that involved the death of her father and subsequent neglect from her mother. By the time she was an adult featured on the TLC reality series, her weight had ballooned to 591 pounds. Fans will undoubtedly remember one moment in her episode where she had to sit down in a hallway because doing laundry became too difficult for her to finish physically. 

It was a long journey, but she knew she had to make a change and turned to Austin's Dr. Younan Nowzaradan (Dr. Now). With his guidance, she lost over 200 pounds by her episode's final moments, ending at 346 pounds when viewers saw her last. At the episode's end, she also revealed that she and her husband, James, lived separately due to infidelity on his part. 

It's been a mix of both good and bad, but fans should feel delighted to see that she's stuck with her weight loss regimen since her time on the series ended.

Tamy Lyn Murrell reconciled with her husband

It appears as though Tamy Lyn Murrell has stuck with exercising and maintaining a healthier diet as recent photos she's uploaded to Facebook show her looking magnificent. The pictures also indicate how she's been enjoying her time as a grandmother as she dresses up with her young ones in funny costumes and takes them shopping. Not only that, but if you follow her on social media, then you may have noticed she's also made amends with her husband. 

After a disappointing revelation at the end of her "My 600-Lb Life" episode that her husband cheated on her, the two apparently made it work. On December 25, 2019, she posted a photo of him getting down on one knee and proposing all over again to show how much he truly loves her. The relationship continues growing strong as she posted on May 5, 2021: "I want to say thank you to everyone who said Happy Anniversary yesterday it meant so much. Since James and I couldn't spend it together I miss him so much."

Outside of that, she continually posts about all of the healthier food alternatives she's grown accustomed to throughout this journey, including low-carb bread and Brussel sprouts. Such choices would undoubtedly please Dr. Now, with low-carb options being a cornerstone of his signature dietary plan. Hopefully, she sticks with what's been successful and what's allowed her to become one of the most stunning success stories in "My 600-Lb Life" history.