What Aaron Taylor-Johnson Could Look Like As Kraven The Hunter

"WandaVision" offered a lot of surprises over the course of its nine-episode season, but arguably none were more shocking than when Wanda Maximoff's (Elizabeth Olsen) brother Pietro returned, but with "X-Men" franchise actor Evan Peters in the role instead of the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" version, Aaron Taylor-Johnson. And as excited as fans of both the Disney and Fox versions of Marvel were, there was also a big question — what about Taylor-Johnson? We got our answer recently when he was announced for the title role in Sony's upcoming Spider-Man spin-off film, "Kraven the Hunter." Kraven — originally created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in the pages of "The Amazing Spider-Man" #15 back in 1964 — is the third Spidey villain, after Venom and Morbius, to get the solo film treatment from Sony.

We've seen Tom Hardy's Venom already, and can watch the trailers showing off Jared Leto as Morbius, but Taylor-Johnson's portrayal of Kraven the Hunter was only just announced. With a tentative release date of January 13, 2023, it's going to be a little while before we get out first official glimpse — but that doesn't mean we can't get some sense of what Taylor-Johnson might look like as the infamous big-game hunter.

Where does Kraven shop his wardrobe?

If you are familiar with Aaron Taylor-Johnson because of his work in "Avengers: Age of Ultron," "Godzilla," or his earlier superhero role in "Kickass," then imagining him as Kraven the Hunter might be a bit of a challenge. Each of those characters is relatively clean-cut — even Pietro only has a little scruff — even if they are covered in blood and detritus. Kraven the Hunter is, visually speaking, a big, hulking guy known for his dark hair and beard. And then, of course, there is his costume — a lion's mane tuft for a collar attached to a vest with a full-on lion's face. Naturally this is paired with cheetah pants — Kraven is a big-game hunter and he wants everybody to know about it! But that's not exactly a look for which Taylor-Johnson is known.

However, that hasn't stopped artist and photo-manipulator BossLogic from putting a little something together. In the image, we see Taylor-Johnson in the trademark lion vest, and, as a bonus, he has long, disheveled hair as well as an unruly beard. This version of Kraven the Hunter comes across as someone who's hit a long stretch of bad road. Will that be the version of Kraven we'll see in theaters? We don't know! Still, BossLogic's version gives us a chance to imagine what might be in the shared Spiderverse that is to come.