Movie Scenes People Always Fast Forward Through

You're at home, watching a movie. Maybe it's a great film, or maybe it's just a guilty pleasure, but you know for sure there's one scene you just don't want to watch. Either it's too cringe-worthy, too scary, too disturbing, too stupid—or even too boring—so you grab the remote and press the fast-forward button. We've all done it, and here are some of the moments most of us skip.

Oh, baby

There's actually a few Trainspotting scenes you might want to fast forward through. This dark and disturbing film from Danny Boyle follows the '90s drug scene in Edinburgh and focuses on addict Renton (Ewan McGregor), who tries to kick his heroin habit but can't quit his druggie friends. The public bathroom scene is pretty rough, in which Renton sticks his hand in possibly the most disgusting toilet known to humankind to retrieve some drugs he dropped. We're throwing up a little in our mouths right now. But the scene in which the baby of a fellow addict (Jonny Lee Miller) is found dead in its crib from neglect? That's the one to go ahead and skip. It'll haunt you, as it does Renton later on in the movie. Can't wait to see what they've cooked up for the sequel.

The gross end of the pool

Oh, Showgirls. Paul Verhoeven's ultra-campy hot mess of a movie definitely falls into the guilty pleasure category, if you want to have fun watching the rise and fall of Elizabeth Berkley's Nomi Malone as a Las Vegas showgirl. Still, there's one scene you really don't need to see because, well, it's just too weird. Nomi already gives Vegas show producer Zack (Kyle McLachlan) a rather aggressive lap dance he'll never forget, but then at his house, in the pool, she repeats the act—this time with full intercourse. It's uncomfortable watching her go crazy straddling him, grinding and humping like she's trying to kill his penis with her pelvis or something. Next, please.

A real buzz

The rags-to-riches story of a Cuban immigrant who becomes a druglord only to see his empire crumble at his bloodied, cocaine-caked feet, it's a given that Scarface is a very violent experience. Still, there's blood and gore...and then there's gratuitous blood and gore with a chainsaw. Early in the game, Tony Montana (Al Pacino) runs up against some seriously pissed-off Colombians, who want to show Tony why you don't mess with them by taking a chainsaw to one of his friends while he has to watch. Sure, there are plenty of horror movies that use this particular tool to gruesome effect (and we choose to skip over some of those scenes as well), but for Scarface, it's just not necessary. We get it.

The hobbling

You don't really see it coming (unless you've read Stephen King's book, that is), but when whackadoo Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) decides she needs to teach her "favorite" author Paul Sheldon (James Caan) a lesson after he breaks her rules, it's horrifying. He wakes up from a painkiller stupor to find himself tied to the bed with a wooden block between his feet. Annie starts talking about how she discovered he had left the room and hidden a knife in his mattress and how he needed a good "hobbling" to make him realize he can never leave her—and then she takes a sledgehammer and crushes his ankles on both sides. It's just too painful to watch. By the way, in King's novel, Annie does far worse things to poor Paul (amputations included), but you can skip past those pages as well. Shiver.

Is it safe?

This still makes our teeth hurt just thinking about it. The taut film from director John Schlesinger sees graduate student Babe (Dustin Hoffman) caught up in his older brother's (Roy Scheider) spy game that includes stolen diamonds and a Nazi war criminal (Laurence Olivier), a skilled dentist whose specialty in the concentration camps was, well, you get the picture. He captures Babe and tortures him by using a dental probe on one of his teeth, all while asking him, "Is it safe?" No, no it's not. This scene definitely enhances this superb crime thriller, but anyone with a dentist phobia—which is all of us, pretty much—will probably push that fast-forward button.

They're not laughing now

Here's the rundown at the end of Brian De Palma's classic: Carrie (Sissy Spacek) has been doused in pig's blood at her senior prom, and she uses her telekinetic powers to basically kill everyone in the school auditorium, along with a few on the outside, too. Then she comes home and is confronted and stabbed by her psychotic mother (Piper Laurie). The injured Carrie sends knives flying at her mother before making the house crumble and burn around her. That should be it, right? No. De Palma tacks on a scene in which the one surviving student, Sue (Amy Irving), walks to Carrie's grave to put a flower on it. Suddenly, a hand shoots out of the ground and grabs Sue's arm. She screams, and we see her wake up from a nightmare, knowing this girl will be traumatized forever. So are we. After the hell we just went through, you're seriously going to tack this scene on the end? No thank you.

Rueful roulette

This Vietnam War drama from director Michael Cimino actually has two incredibly tense scenes revolving around the dangerous game of Russian roulette. The first shows best friends Michael (Robert De Niro) and Nicky (Christopher Walken) as POWs, forced to play the game for their captors' amusement. The men end up getting the better of the soldiers and escaping, but Nicky has been permanently scarred by the experience, as anyone would. It's really the second scene that it's too heart-wrenching to watch. Nick doesn't go back to the States once the war is over but stays in Vietnam, and when Michael returns to bring him home, he discovers a shell-shocked Nicky playing "professional" Russian roulette for money. Michael plays one more game with Nick, and watches his friend's luck finally run out. Can't handle it.

A near-perfect Abyss

Chalk this one up to just being too stupid to watch. Until its final moments, James Cameron delivers one of the best underwater thrillers of all time. Centered in an underwater oil drilling platform perched near a deep ocean crevasse, a private civilian diving crew working the rig is tasked to help a US Navy SEAL team salvage a downed Navy nuclear missile submarine, which may or may not have been caused by an unidentified non-terrestrial intelligence. From the rig suffering near fatal damage, to the captain of the SEAL team losing his mind, to one of the most exciting underwater mini-sub chases ever, The Abyss is pretty much non-stop, edge of your seat action. Then there are those last minutes, when the giant alien space ship, which looks like a bad Disney Little Mermaid theme park ride, rises from the depths of the ocean to save the day. Just hit stop once Bud (Ed Harris) lands at the bottom of the canyon and disables the nuclear bomb.

Don't go in the water

This Steven Spielberg classic still gives everyone shark nightmares, and it all stems from its opening scene. The poor doomed Chrissie goes for a moonlight skinny dip off Amity Island after a bonfire party on the beach. As the ominous John Williams score begins, we see something approach her dangling legs from under the water—and bang! She's violently tugged from underneath. With terror in her eyes, she's whipped around for what seems like forever, screaming "It hurrrrrts!" until she's finally pulled under for good. Better to just move along because we all know the real fun of Jaws is watching Brody (Roy Scheider), Hooper (Richard Dreyfus) and Quint (Robert Shaw) on the boat, hashing it out with the shark. (Speaking of which, Quint's untimely death is another scene you can skip, because OUCH!)

Accused of being hard to watch

Speaking of tough stuff to watch in that category, Jodie Foster's gang rape scene in The Accused is equally rough. First of all, Foster really turns in an amazing Oscar-winning performance as Sarah, especially when we finally see the whole sexual assault go down. Sarah is far from the hapless, innocent girl type. She's street smart, likes to drink and when she goes to the bar that night, she's really mad at her cheating boyfriend. She flirts with a guy and when a song she loves comes on the jukebox, she dances to it. And the men around her watch—until things go too far and Sarah is pinned against a pinball machine and raped by three guys, cheered on by an equally horrible crowd of men. Was she asking for this in any way? Hell, no. Foster's brilliance notwithstanding, the scene is repulsive to watch. Thankfully, it comes towards the end of the film, and justice is eventually served.

A purty mouth

[Cue banjo music] We all know this one. No matter how much you love John Boorman's excellent thriller about four friends on a river rafting trip who run afoul of some backwoods folks, the scene in which Bobby (Ned Beatty) is raped by a mountain man is simply too disturbing to watch more than once. Once he's crawling around on the ground in his underwear, you really start to squirm—and then you hear, "I bet you can squeal like a pig. Wheeeeeeee!"

Poor Ed (Jon Voight), who's tied against a tree and has to hear it all knows he's going to be next, especially as he's being eyed by the mountain man's toothless pal. Nope, just press fast forward from the time Bobby and Ed get lost to seeing an arrow go through the chest of the rapist, shot by hunky Lewis (Burt Reynolds). Then you're relatively safe.

127 Hours, minus one arm

If you know the true story of Aron Ralston, a mountain climber who became trapped under a boulder in a crevasse while hiking alone near Moab, Utah, you know the desperate measures he had to take in order to survive. Played by James Franco in the film, Aron has to saw off part of his arm in order to free himself and stay alive. When it comes to that moment in 127 Hours, you think you're prepared, but you're really not. Even though pure joy crosses Aron's face when he realizes he's going to finally get out of his predicament, it doesn't help the viewers putting themselves in his place and wondering if they'd have the guts to do the same. Director Danny Boyle masterfully captures the essence of the scene, Franco brilliantly plays it, and we applaud them for it. But we don't ever have to watch it again.

An interminable Odyssey

Look, we know this 1968 Stanley Kubrick film was way ahead of its time when it was released, and is widely regarded as a cinematic classic from a master director. It is a spectacularly visual film worthy of its praise. But man, that first part, with the apes and the black monolith and the men droning on in a sterile spaceship lounge, puts you to sleep. Just skip all that and get to the meat of the film, in which a ship computer called the HAL9000 goes creepily rogue after it realizes the humans might turn it off. HAL decides he'll take matters into his own hands, and it's just brilliant. Once Dave goes floating out into space, though, and there's the monolith and "it's full of stars"? You can skim again.

Assault on common decency

Want to leave your audience truly screwed up? Then kill a kid. Watching a child die onscreen is incredibly hard to stomach, which is probably why most movie deaths involve adult men. But John Carpenter wasn't messing around when he directed Assault on Precinct 13 — he murdered the world's cutest child in the first act.

Borrowing from Night of the Living Dead, Carpenter's sophomore film features a mindless horde of bad guys. Only instead of the undead, these are ultra-violent gangsters, looking to get revenge against the Los Angeles police department...or any unlucky citizen who gets in their way. Unfortunately, one of their victims happens to be an adorable little girl, complete with bows and pigtails. All this kid wants is an ice cream cone, but when she stumbles across a pistol-packing thug, he gives her far more than she ordered.

In a truly shocking scene, the gangster shoots her square in the chest. Making things even worse is the the bright red blood that splatters all over her yellow dress. Granted, it's the scene that kicks off the plot, so it's pretty important. Still, if you don't want to watch a sweet little kid get turned into target practice, there's no shame in hitting that fast forward button.

And you thought going to the dentist was bad

Poor Tom Hanks has a pretty rough time in Cast Away. Stranded on a deserted island, he has his leg slit open by a jagged chunk of coral before losing his best volleyball friend to an unforgiving ocean. Both scenes are pretty hard to watch — one because it makes you cringe in pain, the other because it makes you ugly cry like crazy. But if you were only allowed to fast forward one moment in this movie, you should save it for when Hanks is forced to remove his own tooth with an ice skate.

Suffering from the mother of all toothaches, Hanks' character (Chuck Noland) is forced to improvise, Bear Grylls-style. Fortunately, when his plane crashed, it was full of undelivered FedEx packages. Unfortunately, none of those parcels contained any novocaine. Instead, Noland uses two skates to perform his impromptu operation, using one blade as a mirror and one to knock that monstrous molar out.

As Noland readies himself for the big blow, we can hear that blade sliding around inside his mouth, grating up against his teeth, all while he's moaning in pain and nervous expectation. We can't help but wince as he picks up a rock and prepares to bash it against the skate. And when his tooth finally goes flying, Noland passes out — as does most everybody watching, except the few who were frantically fast-forwarding, unwilling to watch Tom Hanks go Marathon Man on his own mouth.


Oldboy is a movie made for the fast-forward button. A starving man sucking down a live octopus? Check. Guy playing dentist with a claw hammer? Yep. Uncomfortable sex scenes that are bound to make you squirm (especially on a second viewing)? Of course. But Oldboy's painful pièce de résistance has got to be when Oh Dae-su (Choi Min-sik) pulls out of a pair of scissors and proceeds to snip off his tongue.

What would possess a man to chop off his own tongue — with scissors, no less? Well (spoilers ahoy), at the end of the film, Oh Dae-su discovers the woman he's been sleeping with is actually his daughter. He didn't know she was his kid, thanks to a plot involving abduction, hypnotism, and 15 years in a mysterious prison. Then the psycho behind the plot threatens to tell Oh Dae-su's daughter the truth about her icky new love affair.

Desperate to protect his daughter, Oh Dae-su threatens his rival with death. When that doesn't work, he begs and pleads, even crawling on all fours, barking like a dog, and licking the bad guy's shoes. When none of that works, Oh Dae-su pulls out a pair of scissors and squeezes hard. Sure, we don't actually see the tongue come off, but we get a close-up of Oh Dae-su's eyes bugging out of his skull, and we see those blades clamping down. If you want to skip past this part and miss all that screaming, no one would blame you.

Sloppy spaghetti

It's nearly impossible to look good while eating spaghetti, but filmmakers have done some pretty great stuff with pasta. The candlelight dinner from Lady in the Tramp is classic romance, seeing Saoirse Ronan learn the proper way to eat noodles in Brooklyn is super sweet, and watching gangsters cook dinner in The Godfather is mouth-watering. On the other hand, the spaghetti scene from Buzzard might make you lose your lunch and swear off Italian cuisine forever.

Directed by Joel Potrykus, Buzzard follows a sleazy slacker named Marty Jackitansky (Joshua Burge). An office temp with a grudge against the world, Marty spends his days playing video games, taking fashion tips from Freddy Krueger, and finding new ways to steal money from his employers. After he pockets a few illegally-obtained mortgage checks, Marty grows incredibly paranoid and goes on the run. With his stolen cash, he spends the night in a hotel room and orders a $20 plate of spaghetti. That's when things get disgusting.

Wearing a spotless white bathrobe, Marty lounges back in bed, sets that plate of cold pasta on his stomach, and starts slurping it all down, with spaghetti falling all over. Soon he's soaked with sauce. The whole scene plays out in one, long, unbroken take, forcing us to squirm as spaghetti strands fall from Marty's mouth...or until we find the remote as quickly as possible.

Hammer time

Kill List features one of the grisliest endings in horror history, but it'll make you gag long before its scary showdown. The plot involves two soldiers-turned-assassins hired by a mysterious stranger to murder three seemingly unconnected people, and it's the second kill that's so, so bad. When our main character, Jay (Neil Maskell), discovers that Victim #2 (Mark Kempner, here as the Librarian) curates an archive of incredibly disgusting videos, he turns into a maniacal rage machine and decides it's hammer time.

After slugging the Librarian in the face, Jay gets busy with the hot end of a cigarette. But you'll really want to hit "skip" when he pulls out that claw hammer, beats the Librarian's knee into a bloody pulp, smashes his fingers into oblivion, and then turns his head into a pile of mashed potatoes. Making things worse, right up until his head caves in, the Librarian is actually thanking Jay for hammering him to death. Without a doubt, it's the most disturbing scene in the film, and that's saying a lot.

Green Room tug of war

Green Room is the bloodsoaked story of punk rockers vs. skinheads, and as you can probably guess, this isn't a fair fight. After stumbling upon a murder scene, it's five good guys against an army of machete-wielding nazis, not to mention a couple of pitbulls hungry for musician meat. With the band members holed up inside the titular "green room," the odds don't start leveling out until our heroes take a skinhead hostage and get their hands on a gun. But these are just a bunch of kids who've never been in a life-or-death situation before, so when they start negotiating, they're tricked into handing over the pistol, convinced the nazis will let them walk away.

But as our terrified bassist Pat (Anton Yelchin) sticks his hand out the door, offering up the pistol, he realizes there's a group of thugs in the hallway, ready to kick down the door and turn the band into chopped liver. Pat tries to pull the pistol back inside, but instead of prying the weapon from his fingers, the bad guys decide to just hack his hand off with a machete. When we see what's left of the bassist's arm, it's enough to make even the most hardcore horror fan lose their lunch. It totally makes sense that people would want to fast forward through this scene. Unfortunately for people who can't stand the sight of blood, Green Room only gets worse from here. A lot worse.

A Hateful lynching

The title is a big spoiler, but if you didn't know, everybody in The Hateful Eight is pretty hateful. From Kurt Russell's bounty hunter to Tim Roth's executioner, the eight (okay, technically ten) people trapped inside a snowbound cabin are the worst bunch of miscreants, mad men, and murderers you'll find in any Western.

Over the course of the film — a movie filled with fast-forwardable moments involving bad coffee and a long walk through the snow — the psychos pick each other off in truly gory ways, until the last three standing are Samuel L. Jackson's bounty hunter, Walton Goggins' sheriff, and Jennifer Jason Leigh's outlaw. Alliances shift, blood is spilled, and eventually the white Rebel sheriff and the black Yankee bounty hunter overcome racism and bond over their hatred of women. In the film's final seconds, Jackson and Goggins lynch a blood-splattered Leigh, laughing as she chokes, kicks, and fights for her life. Whether you see the moment as misogynistic or a brutal critique of American society, we can all agree that it's very tempting to skip this necktie party altogether.

A Batch of cannibals

If you're about to have a barbecue, then you might want to fast forward through the opening of The Bad Batch, a post-apocalyptic thriller that follows a young girl who's exiled from the U.S. and kicked into a no-man's land of cults and cannibals. Unfortunately for young Arlen (played by Suki Waterhouse), she stumbles into a bunch of flesh-hungry hillbillies in the first ten minutes of the movie. These desert-dwelling Jeffrey Dahmers chain her up, inject her arm with a painkiller, and then go to work with a hacksaw. We can hear the saw moving back and forth, cutting through bone, and seconds later, Arlen's arm is plopped down on a steaming hot grill. Soon, the cannibal is back at it again, hacking away at a leg before cauterizing the wound with a hot skillet. Again, this definitely isn't the best scene to watch before grilling a bunch of burgers.

Doctor Johnny's torture device

Bong Joon-ho movies can be funny one moment, exciting the next, and heartbreakingly sad just a few scenes later. Fortunately, he's incredibly skilled at juggling a bunch of emotions (and genres); of course, that means when he decides to go dark, his films can get really disturbing really fast. For proof, look no further than Okja, the tale of a little girl named Mija (Ahn Seo-hyun) and her gigantic pet super pig, the titular Okja. The movie starts off on a charming little farm, with Mija and Okja romping around the forest and loving life. But when Okja is carted off to America by the all-powerful Mirando Corporation, things take a very unsettling turn.

Okja winds up in the hands of Dr. Johnny Wilcox (Jake Gyllenhaal), an animal expert and washed-up TV star who works as a scientist and spokesperson for Mirando. That's bad news for Okja: The moment she stumbles into his lab, the super cute super pig is subjected to forced breeding with a gigantic, aggressive male boar. Things get even worse when Dr. Johnny pulls out a cruel-looking device that's meant to remove flesh from Okja while she's still taste testers can see if it's any good. Whether you're a diehard vegan or a dedicated carnivore, this scene is incredibly hard to watch. Granted, fast forwarding through scenes of animal cruelty is kind of missing the point of the movie, but watching that precious pig cry in pain is just a little too much to take.

Worst family meeting ever

The Killing of a Sacred Deer starts with an open heart surgery — an early clue that squeamish viewers may want to fast forward through pretty much every scene. The plot follows a doctor named Steven Murphy (Colin Farrell) who accidentally killed a patient while under the influence of alcohol. Without accepting blame, Murphy is trying to make amends by befriending the patient's son, an unusual boy by the name of Martin (Barry Keoghan). Unfortunately for the surgeon, it seems Martin possesses godlike powers, and he's looking for revenge.

Hoping to find justice, Martin curses Murphy's family. The surgeon's children (Raffey Cassidy, Sunny Suljic) lose the ability to walk and the desire to eat. Martin promises that soon they'll start bleeding from their eyes, and after that, they'll die. If Murphy wants to lift the spell, he'll have to murder one of his own family members. Naturally, Murphy is a little reluctant to kill one of his kids, but as they grow sicker, he slowly realizes what he has to do. Near the end of the film, the surgeon ties up his family (including his wife, played by Nicole Kidman), and places bags on their heads before he pulls a hat over his eyes, spins in circles around the room with a rifle, and randomly stops to pull the trigger.

It's an excruciating scene, especially since Murphy keeps missing. In a movie meant to make you cringe and cry out in agony, this horrid moment will send you scrambling for the remote.