The Ending Of Straight Up Explained

The 2020 film "Straight Up" introduces us to Todd, played by James Sweeney, who also wrote, produced, and directed the movie. Todd is in his twenties and struggling with his sexual self-identity. His OCD and general aversion to all bodily fluids has left him with a dearth of carnal experiences, and he begins to question his label of "gay." Just as some people feel they've been defaulted with the label of "straight" at birth, Todd wonders whether the "gay" label may have also been imposed upon him without his own personal choice or exploration of his entire selfhood. 

His friends dismiss his concerns out of hand and insist that he is gay — further exemplifying the point that even though Todd is clearly unsure of his own sexual affinities, those around him insist they are certain. His sexual identity crisis leads him explore heterosexuality, and after a few misfires, he meets Rory (Katie Findlay). They end up forming a deep emotional bond, and through their link, Todd feels he's found the one person who gets him and who he can lose himself with for hours. Unfortunately, Rory does not experience the same fulfillment from their relationship. 

Todd and Rory find a middle ground that works for them

Though Rory reciprocates the same affection, and attachment, as Todd, she also begins to desire sexual intimacy. Although the two try to engage in sexual intercourse, it is futile — as is their attempt at an asexual courtship. Eventually, realizing that she needs more, Rory moves to Seattle, which devastates Todd. He refuses to let her go and proposes marriage with a hilarious flash mob outside her Seattle office. 

Ultimately, neither is willing to give up on their rare, distinctive, and powerful union and choose to find a middle ground. In the final scene, we watch as they play Bananagrams with a third person, alluding to the open relationship Todd had suggested previously in the movie. They are clearly working on a compromise where they both get what they want, because that's what you do for the people you truly love who make life worth living. Their feelings and circumstances may not fit into anyone's preconceived notions, but in the end, they don't have to. 

As for the question of Todd's sexuality, he seems to have found some semblance of security. The supreme importance he previously put on finding his label now pales to the idea of potentially being able to spend the rest of his life with Rory. People are allowed to explore who they are in their own time and change their minds about what they are and how they choose to define themselves. Sexuality is fluid and allows everyone, including Todd, to leave room for change and expansion based on their experiences, situations, and the evolution of their life and identity. But the one thing that it doesn't have to change is that finding genuine and life-changing love is something worth holding onto.