How Chris Evans Really Feels About Michael B. Jordan Playing Johnny Storm

When it was announced that Michael B. Jordan would be taking on the role of Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch, in the "Fantastic Four" reboot back in 2014, movie fans were met with mixed emotions. While some were excited to see the "Friday Night Lights" star move into the superhero genre, others were torn to see someone take on the role Chris Evans made famous on the big screen in 2005. By the time the news broke about Jordan's casting, Evans had already been playing Captain America in the MCU for three years, but many couldn't forget where the actor started in the superhero genre.

Recastings of superheroes are nothing new, as we've seen with Ben Affleck/Charlie Cox as Daredevil, and Brandon Routh/Henry Cavill with Superman, to name a few. More often than not, a given actor is supportive when they discover their role is going to someone else, and Evans was no different when it came to Jordan joining the "Fantastic Four" reboot.

Chris Evans was excited for Michael B. Jordan

It didn't take long after Michael B. Jordan's casting announcement for outlets to question Chris Evans about the decision. The latter couldn't have been more excited, and he admitted to the Daily News in 2014 that while he did feel "precious" about his Human Torch role, he was amped to see where Jordan could take the character.

"It's so funny, you almost feel precious over the role that you don't want someone else to do it. But when you hear someone phenomenal is doing it, it's very exciting like you almost can't wait," Evans admitted to the outlet. "I couldn't even give that guy any advice if I wanted, that guy is so good... It's exciting to see what he's going to do, because I know he's going to reinvent it in a way that I could never have imagined... It's almost like we're sharing, the character is ours. I feel like I'm connected with him in a way, It's a nice feeling.

Unfortunately, the "Fantastic Four" reboot absolutely bombed with critics and fans alike. According to Box Office Mojo, the film only made $167 million worldwide and sits with a 9% score on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite a stellar cast that included Miles Teller, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell, Jordan's turn as the Human Torch couldn't save the film. However, Jordan got his redemption when he was cast as Erik Killmonger in "Black Panther."