The Strangest Meeting Held On The Office

Despite having such a small office, Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch had plenty of gathering spots that saw all kinds of shenanigans ensue over nine seasons. Most of the action in "The Office" came in the bullpen, where a majority of the employees worked at their desks. Some of the craziest moments to come out of this center zone were Dwight's (Rainn Wilson) faux fire drill, the white elephant gift exchange, and Kevin's (Brian Baumgartner) famous chili spill.

Other notable spots were Michael's office, where he often was spotted on the phone making inappropriate comments, or the annex where Kelly (Mindy Kailing) and Ryan (B.J. Novak) could be spotted making out from time to time. There was one location in the Dunder Mifflin office, however, where things always got out of hand. Michael loved calling people into the conference room for random meetings that were always nothing but distractions. Many iconic "Office" scenes were shot in the conference room, with legendary meetings which included Michael's (Steve Carell) Diversity Day lecture, as well as Andy's (Ed Helms) sex-ed seminar which had some blurred out R-rated content.

It wasn't just that these meetings were so funny, they were also quite bizarre with many of them being hard to follow. One of the strangest meetings ever held on "The Office" came in Season 3 and has cemented itself as one of the craziest moments of the series.

Prison Mike's lecture in Season 3 was one of the strangest Office meetings

In Season 3 Episode 9 ("The Convict"), it was revealed that there was a convict from the Stamford branch that joined the Scranton team so Michael and Dwight did some digging to see who it was. Once Jan (Melora Hardin) informed them that Martin (Wayne Wilderson) was the reformed convict, the latter explained to his co-workers that he did some time for insider training. He admitted that his time in jail wasn't too awful, and said he took art classes and spent a lot of time outside. When Pam (Jenna Fischer) and some other employees joked that prison sounded better than Dunder Mifflin, Michael took it personally.

He called everyone into the conference room, and pretended to be a convict himself, and went by the alias Prison Mike. After putting on a purple bandana, Michael went into character and began screaming at his employees, trying to convince them that prison was an awful place and Dunder Mifflin was paradise. When you really think about it, the meeting is so bizarre and — shocker — unnecessary. Michael was oblivious to the fact that his employees were being facetious, which Toby (Paul Lieberstein) later explains to him after he locks them in the conference room for not taking him seriously.

Prison Mike's lecture might be one of the best "Office" scenes of all time with some of the best one-liners in the series, but it certainly was one of the strangest as well.