The Subtle WandaVision Episode 5 Detail That's Actually Super Revealing

After the premiere of the WandaVision's fifth episode, fans were left wondering what's in store for Wanda and Vision. Titled "On A Very Special Episode..." this chapter in the show had Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) dealing with Billy and Tommy Maximoff's incessant crying. However, what's concerning about the entire matter is how fast the babies were crying again, leading Wanda and Vision to become increasingly more stressed about the entire situation. In addition to this main storyline lies a ton of subplots that all culminate into the appearance of a character that left audiences and Wanda shocked.

Much like how previous episodes in the show had an aesthetic to match the time period it took place in, this entire episode is styled like an '80s sitcom. However, there's a specific detail involving this rule that might spell trouble for Wanda and Vision. It's subtle, but it all makes sense when the layers are peeled back.

The screen size matters

At this point, the show has established that Wanda has control over a specific area in Westview, allowing her to shape reality. However, this ability does have its flaws, and this is proven to be the case in this episode. Albeit it's very nuanced, the cracks in Wanda's ability begin to show after she flings Monica out of Westview in episode 3, "Now in Color." When this happens, Wanda's control over reality slightly shifts, and this is represented by the aspect ratio of the screen.

Prior to Monica's boot, the episodes that had taken place during the '50s and '70s all had an aspect ratio of 4:3. This was the general frame size during the 20th century, making the depiction of these episodes very accurate to the time they took place in. However, after Monica was thrown out of Westview, the show had gone briefly widescreen. After this happens, the aspect ratio of this '80s episode is slightly off. Instead of sticking to the 4:3 aspect ratio, the audience is instead greeted with a 1.85:1 widescreen frame at the beginning of the episode. Due to this odd shift in frame size, this could very well be the show's writers subtly telling viewers that Wanda's hold over Westview is slipping. And if the aspect ratio is directly tied to Wanda's reality-altering abilities, if the frame continues to warp and change, it could very well mean Wanda could lose control over Westview.