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Everything We Know About Genshin Impact's Zhongli

The open-world fantasy RPG Genshin Impact has become 2020's surprise hit, embraced by gamers worldwide after silencing prerelease criticism with solid mechanics, a beautiful art direction, and an expansive universe to explore. Despite a slight backlash to the game's gacha mechanics, players are getting excited to roll for Genhsin Impact's newest character, Zhongli.

Zhongli became a playable character through his own dedicated Character Event Wish Banner called the "Gentry of Hermitage" on Dec. 1, accompanied by a trailer from miHoYo to highlight his strengths. Despite a long list of attractive abilities, attacks, and stats, the cost of trying to roll a five-star character is high, which may leave players to wonder if it's worth spending their Primogems to summon him.

Thankfully, there is a lot of information already out there about Zhongli to help you decide whether he is worth spending the time and resources to acquire. Here is everything we know about Genshin Impact's new hero, Zhongli.

Zhongli's unique background and attributes

While the event is the first opportunity to acquire Zhongli, he has been present in Genshin Impact storyline for some time, first appearing as a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor during the "Farewell, Archaic Lord" quest.

Zhongli became even more critical during the Liyue storyline. The funeral parlor consultant, dressed appropriately in black formal attire, stoically assisted the Traveler during the last act of that event, "A New Star Approaches." His calm, knowledgeable demeanor combined with his powerful Geo kit have made him one of the most highly anticipated characters since Genshin Impact's launch.

The anticipation for Zhongli is also related to the fact that he brings an impressive slate of unique features to the game. He will be the second five-star Geo character in the game, aside from Traveler, the first five-star polearm character, and the only Geo polearm character in the game at all, considering that the only other playable polearm character currently is Xiangling.

Zhongli's powerful skills and abilities

Zhongli sets himself apart from the crowd with an impressive list of firsts for Genshin Impact, alongside some devastating attacks and skills, all of which are seen in miHoYo's official intro video.

His Geo alignment means that Zhongli's elemental skill summons a Geo Construct, not unlike the Traveler. Zhongli's Geo Construct is a small, slender pillar that radiates Geo and Crystal damage, creates a Jade shield, and gives him a surface to climb to traverse dangerous environments around Teyvat.

While his elemental skill is similar to powers already featured in Genshin Impact, his ultimate ability is something altogether new. Zhongli's elemental burst takes the form of a meteor that falls from the sky to pummel his enemies, dealing enormous Geo damage.

Even Zhongli's passive ability also has Genshin Impact fans excited. That always-active ability refunds a fullĀ 15% of any ores used while constructing his signature polearm weapons. This passive skill can significantly reduce costs over the long run for players who are forging many weapons and items at the blacksmith.