Lynda Carter Won't Cameo In Wonder Woman

For an entire generation, Lynda Carter will always be the one and only Wonder Woman. But she won't be in the upcoming movie starring Gal Gadot as the warrior princess.

Carter, who played the iconic character on the '70s TV show, told Variety that she spoke with director Patty Jenkins about possibly playing a smaller part in the DCEU flick. Unfortunately, there wasn't room in Carter's schedule.

"[Jenkins] talked to me on the phone about the character, and we were trying to see if I could do something with the movie," she said. "But it didn't work out. The timing was off, and I was doing other things and couldn't get over to where they were shooting."

As CinemaBlend points out, it's possible that Carter could have played an elder of the all-female civilization on Themyscura, where Wonder Woman hails from. Those scenes were reportedly all shot in Southern Italy.

However, Carter said she's moved on from the iconic character and might not be interested in any future Wonder Woman movies. After all, she recently took on a pretty big job as President of the United States on the CW's Supergirl. Check out the first photos of her in character via Entertainment Weekly.

"At this point in my life, I pretty much do new parts in things," she said. "There's someone else doing the role now, and that's okay. They should do it. I support Gal wholeheartedly, and I wish her and Patty all the success in the world."

Still, Carter believes Wonder Woman is just as relevant now as she ever was.

"The reason she existed in the first place was that, when she came on the scene, there was nothing for girls to look up to," Carter said. "We're still fighting the same fight. We still need more female role models. But Wonder Woman is much more than a cartoon character. She's fighting for truth and justice and the secret self that exists in all women and girls. There's a moral fiber and a goodness about her that all women have."

Wonder Woman arrives in theaters June 2, 2017. In the meantime, find out why the character's sexuality is causing a stir.