What Mads Mikkelsen Would Look Like As Dracula

With the release of NBC's Hannibal TV series in 2013, the network not only put a new spin on the character of Hannibal Lector, a cannibal known as much for his horrific deeds as for his unnerving charm, but they also gave American audiences a chance to get more of Mads Mikkelsen, a Danish actor with incomparable talent, who is pretty easy on the eyes, too.

As Hannibal Lector, Mikkelson earned critical praise, and offered a new spin on a character previously made famous by screen legend Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs. Now compare that to Dracula, who didn't exactly eat people (depending on which version you're going with), but hunted them nonetheless, and it's plain to see why some fans, like the person behind the Mads Mads Mikkelsen Doing Things account on Twitter, have been wondering how Mikkelson would perform as the legendary Dracula.

In the latest iteration of Dracula, the 2020 series that premiered earlier this year on Netflix and BBC One, the titular vampire is portrayed by Claes Bang. However, what if the role had gone to a different Danish actor?

Mads Mikkelsen as Dracula looks ready to kill

Mikkelsen may be known for his role as one iconic mad man, but what if he'd played another? Specifically, the most well-known vampiric villain of all time, Count Dracula?

Thankfully, digital artist ApexForm has created an artistic rendering of Mikkelson as the famous Dracula, specifically for Looper readers. In the image, Mikkelsen's steely gaze that won him fans as Hannibal Lector now features red eyes, and blood drips from the corners of his mouth — no doubt the leftovers of his latest victim. Mikkelsen-as-Dracula is also dressed to kill, in the iconic raised collar Dracula is known for, in addition to a gleaming pendant with a red ruby in the center, a crisp waistcoat, and a fur-trimmed cape that, honestly, you'd have to be a vampiric villain to pull off.

Will fans ever get to see Mikkelsen don the iconic cape and be the blood-sucking villain that he was born to be? Who knows, but we can certainly dream.