Why Henry Cavill Isn't Doing Any Reshoots For The Justice League Snyder Cut

Through perseverance, dedication, and a stalwart refusal to shut up, Justice League fans at long last bent the ears of Warner Bros. executives this year, finally ensuring the forthcoming arrival of the semi-mythical Snyder Cut. Adding to devotees' excitement, news landed in September of 2020 that director Zack Snyder would be shooting additional scenes for his multi-hour visual opus. The Hollywood Reporter claimed on September 23 that Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, and Henry Cavill would all be returning for an extra week of reshoots.

But then, tragedy, as it was revealed that earlier reports had passed along some misinformation. Cavill, it turned out, would not be returning for the planned October filming dates. "Not shooting anything additional," Cavill said in a conversation with Collider. "No. It's all stuff that has been already done. Obviously, I don't know how things are going to evolve and change and adapt depending on now a different length of movie and whatever may happen in post-production. Whatever lessons may be learned from, what is it, four years since Justice League came out? Four years' worth of fan reaction. For me ... I'm now just watching the party."

News that the series' longtime Superman would not be joining his fellow Leaguespeople for the reshoots came as a blow to fans, who were excited to see more of Cavill's take on the character for the first time since 2016. On the bright side, the actor has a perfectly good excuse for not being around: He's too busy making other nerd stuff.

Superman doesn't return for Snyder Cut reshoots

There are plenty of reasons for Cavill's absence. For one thing, it sounds like he just wasn't needed, which would make sense — director Zack Snyder hasn't been shy about the sheer tonnage of alternate Superman footage already in the can. Between the upcoming reveal of the Kryptonian's black suit, the character's meeting with Jeremy Irons' Alfred, and a heavily implied mustache shaving montage, the upcoming director's cut already has plenty of Clark Kent to wade through.

Additionally, with Snyder Cut reshoots taking place in Los Angeles, Cavill would be looking at a hell of a commute. He's currently working in London, shooting season 2 of the fan-favorite Netflix adaptation of The Witcher. While a two-way plane ticket wouldn't normally put much of a dent in the streaming service's production schedule, current COVID-19 guidelines for the United Kingdom would mean a mandatory 14-day quarantine period for Cavill upon his return to England. Barring a series of bottle episodes in which Geralt of Rivia has his temperature taken twice a day, this would seriously impede the completion of The Witcher's highly anticipated second season.

While an exact release date remains nebulous, the Snyder Cut, also known officially as Zack Snyder's Justice League, is set to debut on HBO Max as four one-hour episodes in early to mid-2021.